Sitri's aura of lust, didnot work as expected

Okay heres a tip for you and heres what I recommend essentially you’re trying to cast a form of glamour merely asking the entity to “give you an aura of lust” doesn’t do much. Allow me to expand on this a little more there is an important function one should focus on in their magick, regardless of the type or kind. One should always be consciously aware and observe what is happening both in the ritual and outside it allow me to give a example.

If you instead invoked Sitri and usurped the lusftul glamour energy into yourself and via meditation, breath work and energy work you can then extend that to you’re auric field. Doing this consciously allows one to also solidify and maximise the result of the glamour, now you’re sitting ablaze in this lustful glamour simply a statement of intent would be great for example

“I invoke you Sitri and cloak myself in your lustful glamour, may this alteration of self reflect onto on lookers all that I desire (insert what you wish them to zee or feel such as lust, excitement, obsession etc). In Sitri’s name this magnetism shall draw to me (women/men)”.

It can as simple or as grandiose as you’d like, once done over the next couple days fortify the aura, think of it like protection and warding. One doesn’t simply ward or shield themselves once, they add layers to it over time. This can be done just by meditating and envisioning energy around you as spiritual particles of light, using breath and visualisation pull that energy into that glamourised aura. Doing this for a few days leading up to you’re ‘lucky night’ is a good idea, it will crystallise the whole thing.

Let’s say you’re at a club, bar or whatever event as you sit you’re just every now and then, feel the energy which envelops you. Sense the security it brings you, the sense of knowing that you’re about to get exactly what you want. Go about your business then opening up conversation or a simple introduction, a simple look, smile, whatever you want, get that mojo working :wink:

I’m assuming of course you’ll be in the immediate environment of those you wish to gravitate towards you, otherwise auric augmentation probably isn’t the best option. If you fail don’t beat yourself up maybe another invocation to Sitri and pull more of the demons essence and energy into the auric glamour, remember layers and layers are great and potent.

Please also be confident, don’t just envelop yourself in such a brilliant aura and not let it affect you, one should allow it to affect themselves before others. Let it fill you with a sense of confidence and use that confidence to your advantage. If you’d like a good method for invocation which can applied to any spirit and is pretty universal check out my video.

Also check out this video it may help in terms of how magick and things of the spiritual nature function in a way.

Hope this helps my friend :slightly_smiling_face:

Remember this isn’t just for glamour magick, if one has done magick to land a job for example I always recommend that as they sit in the car or the waiting room, they observe or visualise/feel that magick around them, holding the realisation in your mind that the spirits and powers of magick are truly with you and actually experiencing it is indeed one way to maximise success.


I like that expensive awareness concept, being mindful of what you’ve been calling forth and how it could be moving things around for yourself.

Same happened with me and
Duke Dantalion;
Prince Sitri;
King Beleth
And King Asmodeus;

Sitri will change your mindset and appearance
So you can love yourself to LUST FOR YOURSELF, and project that energy.

At some point I felt angry with them. But it took me a whole journey to understand their ways. I even got girls adding me on IG out of nowhere and meet her later on in person at the gym.

Patience and work hard on your self.

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Wow, I just needed to add gremory. I have made numerous petitions to Asmodeus as well.

Oh Yes Duchess Gremory as well.

Did you also petition?

A love spell that I payed to a Witch who does Salomonic Magick.

It didnt go well. I dont think the Duchess wants to hear from me again.