
Try contacting him and ask what’s up.

some red candles and some incense are enough

I worked with Sitri once. It was in connection with my patron Belial and Matron Pomba Gira spirits. I wanted the love of a person who is incapable of the type of love I desire. We broke up suddenly and almost violently. That very same day a former lover whom went his own way contacted me out of the blue with apologies for ever leaving me 13 years ago. We’ve been talking and he’s since moved in with me . He’s everything I’ve ever needed and asked for x 10. Sitri knew the situation better than I did, and after I was forced cold Turkey from the other relationship was I able to look back after 6 mos and determine what a wreck it was making my life and me.


I don’t want to pay more attention to it , I don’t think I’ll call him again for a very long time

That’s fair.

Dm me plz