Single Mom and losing money

Yes but with some exception. You need to meditate for each one separately. And St. Muerte doesn’t like to share her place with anyone.

Don’t worry just do your best and I’ll try to help from my side as well :+1:

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Oh I see. Thank goodness I asked.

You are so kind.

If you allow me to make a request, I would like a great high paying job [for all the years of shame and embarrasment my unemployment has caused me]… I have a degree in Chemistry and interested in Chemical Laboratory Analysis…

I honestly know I cannot do all these myself, but I am willing to try…

I know nothing on Earth is free, so if you’d please let me know what you’d like in return?

Thank you so much @PrinceX thank you

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Hey it’s ok we help each other here if we can, you can payback to the deities and spirits you will work with… that would be good enough thank you :slight_smile:

I will only give you some extra speeding energy, to get things moving for you. But you need to give your detailed requests in your meditations. That’s very important to give this energy a path and destination according to your desire.

You won’t do it by yourself, the spirits will help and I’m helping… who knows who else. Do your best and results will follow.

You have a degree in Chemistry?!! That’s amazing. A modern alchemist :wink::+1:

One important thing please… if unusual things happened within the next 24-48 hours, take that as a good sign.


You have a great sense of humour. LOL

Thank you.

It is such a relief to know I am getting help…

I appreciate your time and do not take it for granted.

Will come back to this post and give my thanks soon as I know my requests will be met soon

Have a great day @PrinceX

Thank you.

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Some spirits that can certainly help you (since they have helped people who were in such situations) are Belial and King Paimon. They are really amazing at stuff like that.

Also, about the deposit money and such, Belial excels at legal matters.


Thank you so much @Manosman :pray:t5:

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Phaleg is a olympian Celestial Spirit…he specializes in bringing you wealth…Bethor of Jupiter does too…the olympian spirits work fast too!


Oh I see. Thank you.

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Thursdsy i will finish, i will ask rey cuervo to translate parts, if necessary, inbox me later,. By

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@zorrito thank you so much. I cannot inbox yet…Would remind you by Thursday on this post…:pray:t5: