Single Mom and losing money

Hello everyone,

So, I need a bit of help as to which spirit to plead with for help.

I am a single mom, and have had quite a set back on my career, almost 9 years without employment, in these years, I can tell you I have ONLY had about 8 months work experience…

Anyway, I find that recently I keep getting into some sort of bad luck

  • My previous landlord has totally refused for 2 months now to return my deposit even though I moved out and left his apartment in pristine condition.
  • A friend with benefit gave me a bit of money and I was kinda thinking of saving it for future necessities for my child, the money was reversed back to the owner (apparently this is standard practice from the bank and the method it was paid into my cellophone)…to say I was shocked!!!

I then proceeded to ask this friend to repay the money back, he refused!!!

Now, I am almost out of food and even though I am trying to stay positive, this is getting too much.

  • The movers who moved my stuff from one part of my estate to the next, less than 800m, stole some of my stuff from my bags…

Like I really need all these to stop!

I recently started listening to Maha Lakshmi’s mantra, Maa Durga and Lord Ganesh as I am pretty new to this.

Please guys, are there more stronger benevolent spirits I can plead with to at least help me get my money back from these people and remove these bad luck?

Thank you so much.

Side note: Last night before I slept, I listened to Maha Laskshmi’s mantra, and fell asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, there was this very strong incense around my nose (i have never burnt incense), with my sleepy self, I turned trying to block away the smell, it stop for a while, and then again 3 times I smelt the incense… Anyone knows what this means please?

I didnt mean it to be so long🙏🏾

I appreciate all guidance. Thank you again. :pray:t5:


Ganesh gave me immediate results, but I didn’t ask him anything material, just something that should happen in my brain. He totally delivered. But I went to him in his role of scribe of his pantheon, introducing myself as just another scribe of humanity. Fellows, in a way.

Now, for money, Duke/Duchess Bune has been reported here as someone who will help you. Maybe you should ask for a job, directly. Some people had just quick cash, yes, but that’s people with a lot of experience. I’m new too, but I alredy understood that magic is just another skill you develop with practice.

The first thing in your research should be reading this spirits stories and reading other’s testimonies here. The Ars Gotia is free to read online, some of the spirits mentioned there have direct infuence in wealth (as is Bune’s case).


Thank you…

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Do u speak spanish, or knw someone,? I can give u link. But to translate is part,

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Books could be written about that part alone, and how damage it may cause. But let’s leave that for another time.

Satan. Santisima Muerte. Archangel Michael. Those are the ones I personally trust to work with. And Lucifer but he’s not the best choice for your situation, in my opinion.

Prepare a sigil or a picture. Light a candle, put a glass of fresh water, and simple offering, maybe some good incense sticks for your chosen spirit/deity. Then meditate on a specific desire that you want for as long as you can. Keep doing that everyday until you achieve your goal or at least 7-9 days without break. You can do it several times a day if you have time.

Very simple and effective. Hope it helps


Oh no, I do not speak at all…and unfortunately know no one who does😓

You know me. If @zorrito sends me the link, I can attempt to translate it. Yes, for free.

Google saint expedite…he works fast… Phaleg on tuesdays…red sigil, hour of mars


Thank you, this is helpful.

Please allow me to ask a question as I am a beginner.

What does it mean to “prepare a sigil”?


Did you mean to say: you CAN attempt to translate it? Thank you so much.

I hope @zorrito sees this and sends to you…Thank you too @zorrito🙏🏾

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I mean to find a symbol for the deity or spirit you choose to work with. This symbol could be a picture or a sigil ( you draw it on a piece of paper or print it ) and you can also use a statue… whatever is easier for you would work fine.

And please, as mentioned earlier here, consider saint expedite. You can add him to the list I previously suggested.

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If the text is in full Spanish, I WILL. Now, if it has too many obscure or non-Spanish vocabulary, I’ll attempt. I’m a native Spanish speaker, so it shouldn’t be TOO hard. Also, if the text is of a reasonable word count.

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@blackwitchd47 thank you so much. For clarity sake: what does “phaleng”, “red sigil” hour of mars" mean?

I am trying to learn these things as I am still fairly new hence my questions…

Thank you🙏🏾

@ReyCuervo okay I get. Thank you so much.

@PrinceX thank you. I understand…would also look up St Expedit.

Thank you for yout help.

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I just realized I wrote “I cant” in the previous post!!! So sorry! Yes, I meant I CAN. Sorry again.

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No problem at all if there’s anything else you need please let me anytime,

Wish you success and good luck :+1:

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Haha! Its all good :blush:

Thank you so much. I deeply appreciate!

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@PrinceX can I use these entities together and simultenously? Like I place their sigils together and meditate?

  • Archangel Micheal
  • Santisima Muerte
  • St Expedite
  • Maha Lakshmi
  • Maa Durga

As always, thank you for your help.:pray:t5:

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