Sincerely request all your help with Vodun

:thinking: that happened to the whole world by certain Europeans thoā€¦(The British and Spain, etc) :thinking:

Though I like to live by the knowledge that race isnā€™t a real thing among humans since itā€™s technically been debunked.


I personally felt strange the few times of attempting contact. Last time i received a message. ā€œWillful ignorance!ā€, and had the most fucked up dream of my life afterwards, supposed he was pissed about something.

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[quote=ā€œDarknessVisible666, post:22, topic:154094ā€]
personally felt strange the few times of attempting contact. Last time i received a message. ā€œWillful ignorance!ā€, and had the most fucked up dream of my life afterwards, supposed he was pissed about something.

@DarknessVisible666 Maybe try again and ask about that? Whatā€™s the worst that can happen? Donā€™t answer that.

Edit add: Whatā€™s with how the quote came out looking wonky? Canā€™t just trash and try again though (too much hassle to) soā€¦ wonky I guess it will stay.