Sincerely request all your help with Vodun

I need some help with Vodun if any of you have experiences. Now I already read through some of the previous topics on here but they are confusing me more than helping.

A little background about me: I am from Africa, South Africa to be specific. I’m not black, but i am a person of colour. Ever since I was a little girl, I grew up seeing other countries as better than us. I always felt that I was missing out, that we were lacking and I felt embarrassed to say “I’m part of Africa”. It seems many of my peers were the same way. Around 13 I started wanting to go to Norway and practice Norse Magick. Recently though to be honest, I don’t feel too connected. I just feel out of place, I want to honour my own ancestors. I researched Vodun because if the power promised, but soon it stopped being about the power too much. When I see Papa Legbas Veve something inside me stirs. When I talk about Vodun, I feel a love unlike any other. I feel like when I talk about Vodun, like I can embrace Africa in all its beauty and say “Hey, my land is beautiful and it’s history deserves to be heard”.

I want to initiate into Vodun, but don’t know where to start. ( Please note, I will only attempt initiation once I’m 20, or once I graduate college since I am 18 currently.)

Can you guys help me? I want to speak with Legba. Do I NEED initiation to speak with him? How can I call Legba when i live in an urban area? I’m too restricted to perform animal sacrifice but I would do it.


No. I am a Western ceremonial magician and he approached me to say the LWA were interested in working with me, so initiation is not needed.

Open his veve the same way you would the seal of a demon, and call out to him. That’s all I do.


Thank you, am I able to offer him my own blood on the Veve and burn it?

Personally, I would not until you have at least made initial contact. He may or may not want it. He will tell you.

Initiation is mainly for the religion of Voudon, but you can work with the current without it, and be taught by the Lwa themselves. They may guide you to initiation, as they did EA Koetting.


No, as DK said. They’ve approached me before during group workings because they wanted to help with a request for a specific person (no idea why, that’s their business).

I can call on them, but don’t feel I will do major work with them. If you are hearing their call, you should consider working with them. They likely won’t let you ignorw them anyhow :wink:

Finally, you don’t have to join the religion to work with the spirits. Religions don’t own the gods - just their way of working with them.


Okay thank you, so no offerings are to be made upon the first contact? And lastly if I am not clairvoyant and fully clairaudient then how will he speak with me?

Always follow your heart with magick, a lot of white Europeans have a bug up their ass and feel unworthy compared to non-whites, because we got most of our ancestral religions and customs deleted by the Christian conversion, so it seems like the world does a thorough job fucking everyone up over race, but your spirit always knows the way, if you stop to pay heed.

It’s also possible to have spiritual inheritances which are not related to the genetics of your family, most people come into this world with potential for gifts and connections they never explore to the utmost. :thinking:


That’s true :slight_smile: when I think of Vodun I see something from Africa I can speak of with pride, and I can show off to others. I really feel I can say " We have something beautiful "


You can make an offering, just don’t offer blood as the first thing. Rum, cigars, and tobacco, are traditional offerings for Papa Legba. While there are some Lwa to whom blood is a traditional offering, as far as i am aware, Legba is not one of them. However, he is the gatekeeper to the others.

How do you usually communicate with the demons and djinn you said you work with? You recently posted something you claimed was channelled from King Paimon, so if you can do that, then you should be able to hear the Lwa.


My friend is a medium and she channels the messages in an evocation style. Unfortunately she refused to help me in anything to do with the Loa


I also made a promise to a friend to stop smoking for a year and I’ve refrained from alcohol my entire life because I was raised Muslim. I don’t refrain from it because i follow Islam but alcohol just makes me feel uneasy.


In that case, my advice would be to just open the veve and reach out with your intention, and ask Legba to communicate with you via dreams or signs.

Their initial visit to me, for example, was a vision of a giant black serpent sitting on my bed as I was coming out of trance after an angelic pathworking. I subsequently had it confirmed by a third party that they were saying hello.

If you don’t want to make an offering of rum, then a cigar or loose tobacco would work as well.


Thanks for all your help, would a regular cig do fine as well?


Yes, it should be fine.


I think everyone pretty much hit the nail on the head with the details.

I’ll just add that sometimes it’s good to follow what you feel inside. If the spirit is contacting you then maybe there’s something there that will benefit you both and it doesn’t matter what others say (unless it’s a valid warning)

Good luck on your journey


Thank you, I feel a pull to this so strongly. It may be the spirits, it may just be me naturally drawn to it. One things for certain, out of all the Veves, Legbas veve is the only one I seem to look at the most, and i constantly revisit the image of his Veve to admire it. I even had a dream about him but I cannot remember it too much.


That’s a good sign :ok_hand:

This is only if you’re aiming to follow the religious aspect. Often times people confuse the spiritual practice/folk magick with the religious faith in which one doesn’t require the other. Anyone can reach out the Papa Legba.


I see lots of people in here don’t know what’s voodoo is. What voodoo are we talking about first? Legba is not even a real name of a lwa…Damn Guys…

That’s so sad to hear considering you gave birth to the modern world. True you may have lost everything spiritually that your ancestors had but in a way you also gained everything materially and attained things they could never even dream of.