Simple divination methods?

Which methods can i use for simple yes/no questions?
I have tarots but do not have a pendulum.

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Personally I prefer Rune reading also you can use a book which is called Napoleon book of fate, it is like Geomancy but an easier version.

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You could try the 4 Pennies divination method. You could also try using the Urim and Thummim divination stones.


You can derive a yes or no answer to a tarot question by looking at the overall story the cards tell you after drawing.

The most important part is connecting to the essence of the question before shuffling, you can do this by thinking about the question after clearing your mind.

Then you want to shuffle and draw the cards. I like a five card spread but it doesn’t really matter. You need more than two cards mostly.

First read the cards individually and see how they apply to the situation, often that alone is revealing. If the cards say this or that you can often know yes or no based on that alone.

If you can’t you look at them like a story. Does the entire story, how each card fits together tell you yes or no based on the information given. Sometimes you know part of the story and the cads reveal more that can help.

If not, then I look at the number of negatives versus positives. This doesn’t always conclude a negative response, but once again you usually logically deduce a yes or no answer by this point.

If not, I assume I’m asking the wrong question, and ask instead what else do I need to know about the situation and draw five more cards. In this case, usually I am missing a piece of information, and the rest of the information once provided by the cards answers the question in itself or alludes to which question I should be asking instead.


Going with your intuition is the most basic divination method, doesn’t require any tools.