Sign up thread for [Angel's] February 2025 Magickal Friends with Benefits [closed]

Hi everyone and Happy New Year. It has been ages since I hosted an MFWB working. I am aiming to start this on February 1, please read full post Before committing.

I’ll start with explaining this type of group rituals. Then if it’s something that you want to do and are able to commit, Then to please feel free to comment below.

What is a MFWB group?

MFWB is a group of practitioners that work together to help amplify each other’s magical goal for a certain thing. Each person usually 20-25 total is assigned a day and everyone does a ritual to work towards that goal. this helps amplify the success of magick.

What skill level do I have to be at to join in?

If you are able to cast the most simplist of spells or do any type of Energy work, or even just set intentions to the universe 20 or so times a month you can join in. Skill doesn’t really matter and this group is very beginner friendly and a great way for anyone to learn and hone in new skills.

Does this require doing rituals every single day?

No there are built in rest days and grounding days. Depending on how many people are in the group there’s two days that are either for rest, grounding, and meditation Usually it falls one in three days.

How long is the commitment?

Depending on the number of members it is a month to a month and a half commitment once the Active magic days and the rough days are factor in.

What happens if I don’t do my fair share or leave early?

There is a built-in reversal over seen by Hacate to protect those that do their fair share and to insure those that want to take advantage of the group do not have the benefits of the group. so please, only commit to the group, if you’re willing to put in your full fair share of the work.

Where is this done?

to protect the nature of the spell work is hosted in a DM with full access to our mod team.

I think i covered most of the basic questions. If you have more please let me know.


I want to join


I would like to be included.


Of course im participating a Second time in It lets go


I wasn’t able to participate last time :frowning:
but things have changed for the better for me! I’d like to join, and will be able to stay this time!


I’ll join in on this!


i am in … you can include me…thanks @Angelb1083


I am very keen to join!


Get me involved in the work.


Okay I got everyone don’t from this point up!


When is this closing?

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Next Saturday


We have room for 10-15 more if anyone wants to join.

Sounds interesting. Count me in!

Last call sign up for this closes tomorrow:-)


If love to join please

You got it!

I Thought more people would hurry to join this guess I was wrong lol

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13 is a lot for a 28 day month