Sign of a parasite?

My Evocation room is my living room. This is where my Altars are kept,folded away. Recently, visitors have a hard time staying awake in this room. All report feeling very tired and being unable to keep awake. Moving to another room solves the problem it would seem.

I have no ‘bad’ feelings or anything else at all like that, I do however have many spirits ‘passing through’ and I can feel energy in this room at random times.

I do not get this sleepy feeling at all, just others so unless I am really, really boring to be with, is it a parasite or spirit energy? residual energy or something else?


I often found myself on the brink of sleep during some evocations and once I even fell asleep because I couldn’t resist the energy I received. So maybe that’s that :thinking:


Maybe the visitors are not used to the vibrations of the spirits that go and leave.


I’ve had a similar experience where my bedroom(temple) is the place everyone likes to pass out. It’s specifically charged to be a peaceful environment so my work can get done efficiently. If guests don’t have shields, the power can overwhelm them.


Probably. They aren’t LHP people like me and they all say how tranquil it is and nobody can stay awake in there at all


Are you sexually vamping them? Maybe they got “relieved” and then rolled over for a Nap


lol. I have never tried vamping anyone, especially not sexually :joy: How do you even do that?

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Just by being emotionally extreme (psychically). I think you have to have an Apetite. Visuallize them as Sexual Food =)


I rarely have any kind of sexual desires, so I doubt that :joy: I am more of a PJs and cup of tea person.


high fives


Well Sasha could be vamping them, not necessarily sexually. I myself apparently have some of these qualities. I have been told by people and partners in the past that they felt a very strong energy coming from me that they found exhausting. One partner who was spiritually aware somewhat told me he thought I was sucking his life force and that it was difficult for him to concentrate. All of these people would frequently fall asleep in my presence. I’m still trying to determine if that is exactly what it is, but it’s likely. Sexually is another thing but that has its own kind of unique experience…

I still would not rule out though some form of parasite (if it isn’t you, or the space as a whole with calming energy). I am assuming you have done a particular ritual to cleanse the space of unwanted things.

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It is just the living room, when I have been around a parasite, they tend to give off a different vibe of energy.

This room now just wipes people out in a peaceful way but it is a living room and not a sleeping room lol.

It would be nice to clear this sedation feeling. I may do a cleansing

It could be a build up of too much elemental Earth. Too much Earth energy makes people lethargic and sluggish, and tired.

Try countering it with some Fire.


Thank you. I will do

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I wonder if there are any necromantic qlippothic influences of spirits and their energies.

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how does one do that? and too much earth build up?

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The elements are naturally part of the energetic make up of the environment, but the amount of any singular element can build up in a variety of ways. Intentionally invoking an element repeatedly without banishing or invoking its opposite, would do it. The presence of too many spirits with an earthy make up could contribute as well. Or just simply having too many charged stones or other natural things on an altar might be enough. There could also be something that is naturally drawing in elemental Earth energy, the way a river will pool in hole in the landscape.


I only work with Lucifer and Andromalius in the house ? I do have a deep Well nearby though?

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In your opening post, you said you had many spirits “passing through” though. It’s possible they are bringing the energy with them. Or its just naturally occurring for some reason.

First, confirm it is elemental Earth and not something else, by pore breathing elemental Fire into the room. If people still become tired, instead of energetic and lusty, then it is not elemental energy and you should banish.

If it is elemental Earth energy, you can choose to siphon it off or find the source and close it by tracing the banishing pentagram of Earth upon it.

Or if you don’t care what the source is, just perform a banishing ritual and set up wards around the room to keep out anything unwanted.

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Yes, I feel other energies at times. I will do this and thanks very much

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