Sigil of (( Xasturaoth - Hasturoth

In the chaotic blood current that I am working through, Astaroth represents two sides, masculine and feminine
One one side she is a goddess of venusian and jupiterian traits, bearing similarity to Astarte and higher emanations of the divine feminine, but she can also be lustfully dark and violent as the opening prince of the eye of Abaddon, who is ruthless and necromantic all in one.

Hastur, Female Xastur of the Lovecraftian current is very very similar in aspect to astaroth, they share a very common role and overlap heavily in symbolism and energies. These formulas display them united in a single aspect, which i believe can bring forth an emanation of the truest forms of the being known to us as “ASTAROTH”

I have worked in ritual with the lovecraftian/necronomicon system and qlippothic demonolatry systems extensively and done research regarding this, and a synthsis between queen of heaven/duke/duchess astaroth and Xastur/hastur the Yellow King (more obscurely has a female aspect called Xastur the yellow queen) is very beneficial.
Tell me what you think of my sigils and feel free to share thoughts


Sorry for my bad handwriting haha its usually better

Earlier I worked more intensively with Astaroth. And while meditating on his sigil, I received a different form of his symbol/sigil and with it the name Mannatar or Mann-Atar.

In my case, he only communicates in male form (as described in the Goetia and True Grimoire). And I feel not feminine, but always masculine energy.

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Yes, i observed more masculine energies working with him/her in seperate aspects too. It is interesting how all encompassing this being is.

Perhaps the male aspect comes from Athtar-Chemosh, sun god/goddess and morning star of the phoenecians

If we talk about the hypothetical “roots” of Astaroth in religion and culture, then it is necessary to consider pre-Semitic times. Names Ishtar or Eshtar, or Ashtar comes from the word «astar», which, in turn, in the presemitic time meant the planet Venus in one of two aspects, transmitted, respectively, as ˈAs̱tar (morning star, male character) and ˈAs̱tart (evening star, female character). In West Semitic and South Arabian mythology, this division persisted; in the East Semitic environment (ancestors of the Akkadians), both aspects merged into a single deity, which retained the characteristics of both sexes. This is most likely why Astaroth told me that he is not Astarte, although he knows her.


Interesting, i could figure as much. I guess i work with both

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What is the eye of abaddon that you spoke about?

It is the 6th “Hell” or Qlippothic astral abyss meaning the “destroyers”. The eye of destruction is the eye of the Abysmal Angel Abaddon/Apollyon, the black mirror of Apollon after his merge with Python. Astaroth is part of the same realm and is the Archdemon is responsible for opening the eye of destruction.

From Liber Sitra Achra -

“Abaddon, the Destroyer or the Hell of Destruction, is the Kingdom of the Gash Khalah being that of the Qlipha of the Shakers to Complete Destruction governed by Astaroth and is the Point of Thoughtlessness on the Other Side annihilating the primary root of the manifestations emanating from the Sephirothic Atziluth while instead manifesting and focusing the impulses of the Qliphothic aspect of that first supernal world within the Briahic level in order to destroy the creation of its Thoughtful counterpart by replacing its 'thoughts of creation’with those of Thoughtless Annihilation, leading the Spirit entering this mental point of rectification through destruction closer to the attainment of the Highest Crown of Nihility beyond all cosmic restrictions.”


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What is the things that the magician can suffer or receive for getting this eye? Like he’s going to go mad?

Um, yeah, Astaroth is a deity, demon that yes, can actually drive one insane, even if you are like one of those “yeah right, that can’t happen to me” skeptics who can’t even do a lot of basic stuff.