Sigil of Samael

So, here is the sigil of Samael:


bookmarked :smile:

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Will blood invoke tonight!

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Stolen, will use.

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you are welcome

Hey, can you tell about your experience with him?

Well, he is masculine by nature. Reminds me of Belial just a tad bit

This is a verified sigils. Source: Current 218 and VK Jehannum


That’s the sigil of the Qliphah Samael… Pretty sure OP meant Samael the entity, not the Qliphah.

How did you obtain this?

Well, I was given the sigil which is why it doesn´t really look familiar. I prefer to get sigils personally from entities if I can.

That response of mine was directed towards the lad or lass that shared c218’s sigil of the Qliphah of Samael; not directed at you, OP. I do feel that your sigil is of the entity, not the Qliphah… At preliminary glance

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By whom?

Yeah, I just noticed noticed that but I just couldn´t resist commentig


By Samael, I swear though, I get the most weird looking sigils given to me by entitties


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Thing is, it doesn’t look weird. It looks fitting… Though it looks like it was drawn with your off-hand while u were deep in trance lol :wink:

Nicely done though, I’ve been looking for his sigil lately and poof here’s one!


Could be that I was in a trance because I have given my blood as an offering to Samael before. Although I definetely drew that with my dominant hand which is weird that it looks like it was drawn with my off-hand. Weird stuff though with the off-hand stuff, I will have to look into it, I´m definetely no stranger to channellings aor possessions.

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