One night, I remember not long ago. Before rocking my son to sleep, Something was happening to me in which I kept seeing sigils of many entities flash red in my mind’s eye. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing in my mind, but the pattern continued on, flashing goetic sigils here and there incessantly like a photograph projector. It as if I was being “imprinted” by all of the sigils that flashed through. I even heard faintly the names of each sigil being mentioned, but could not make most of it. It was distracting. I could not even think straight at all or have any imaginable thought came in my head. Just red sigils, everywhere in the darkness.
Finally, when it seemed like it slowed to halt on the last sigil. My son sleeping peaceful in my arms, I hear what boldy comes next the name, Ba’al or Bael.
The same night I dreamt a dream in which the name Lord of Flies were mentioned. Instead in the dream Lord was hyphenated to point out that this diety is a Lord. (Not necessarily, if so, I believe not lord of flies but of the air and high places, the sky.) The second dream (or was I astrally awake?) I had showed two tall men standing before me. They marked me with me with three different I had never seen ever in my entire magick practice. One that I was marked with however, this sigil gave me a sense of familiarity. As if I had seen this sigil of the trinity before. It had three V’s interwoven into another. I knew instantly that this was a triple diety sigil, but to whom does it belong to? Why did these unknown entities mark me?
Has this happened to anyone before and has anyone every seen the triple V sigil ever?
I’ve had that before. And sleep. But they put a seal on me, and then I found it; it was the seal of Asmodeus. And then someone came and said, "find my own seal.- I found him, it was Beelzebub. And when I found, the next night he came and repeated his name, the whole dream I heard Beelzebub, Beelzebub… And the third the seal on me now, I not know whose. I remember what it looked like, and there was a letter B. I don’t know why it happens and why they come like this.
Yes exactly, thank you for sharing. Not sure why either. Somehow I believe it has to do with our “higher selves” making plans before us to work with each entities.
That’s a hexagram sigil. Funny thing, I’ve recently painted a portrait dedicated to a God and this came up in my abstract art. No it wasn’t that one. But thank you for pointing it out.
Hi, Your original post is old but I only read it now. Unlike the hexagram that @octavius posted, the Pentagram can be made with three V’s. Maybe the symbol you saw was a ‘coded’ pentagram or whatever.
You probably know this or would have figured it out if it was relevant.
I had gotten a tattoo of my triple goddess pentacle on Saturnalia last year during the time when I first made a pack with an unknown Diety. It turned out to be Lucifer. The pentacle is also called as tetragrammaton as the symbolism of the androgynous female/male God. He pointed it out to me, my tattoo. Also the pentacle is a symbolism of Venus.
The trinity V’s was something more complex than the pentacle. It looked like this but with more squiggles
There is lot of information to search on this topic, unfortunately it’s been taken by religions and changed it. It was also once the seal of Solomon, but I’ve also seen this a the seal of God. I don’t know any information at this time on this.