This sigil is for soul, astral, and out-of-body traveling. Whichever one you intend to do is the one activated by this sigil. This sigil will aid you in any and all processes of spiritual traveling.
I recommend making sure you take good care of your health as you do not want to have disturbed sleep and issues relaxing.
Safe travels!
This one looks kind of really adorable ^^
I made this by request. Hopefully someone who has used it leaves their experience.
The appearence of this is very pleasant. It makes me feel as though it is a friend that wants to go on wonderful adventures.
I want to experience this, thank you kindly!
Has anyone used this with success?
Hmm, looks very… Ameri-pean. Like Native Americans and Vikings tried to co-create a sigil.
Trying! Zzzzz
Never used any sigils for astral travel, would you meditate on it?
Yes, you would meditate on it with your intention in mind.