Sigil for Metatron?

Metatron in Hebrew is
Mem Tet Tet Resh Vav Nun
So the vowels aren’t omitted in the sigil.


None of those Hebrew letters are really considered vowels though, right? When pronouncing ancient Hebrew we pretty much have to make up our own vowels; modern Hebrew gets around by this using dots placed over and under the letters, AFAIK. I am by no means an expert on Hebrew so please correct me if I’m wrong here.

I’ve worked with Metatron

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I must say he is very powerful, especially for banishing, cleansing and protection. Any black witch male or female should try some rituals with him.


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There is a sigil for Metatron in Summoning Spirits by Konstatinos. Thank me later.

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That’s exactly the Metatron sigil I’m using.

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Have you asked him about future technologies?

No, I don’t ask Metatron any questions yet, however I was impressed by his Aura.

Why does this look like a vagina??? Lol

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I know this sounds crazy weird but I believe Metatron is Steven hawkings. Don’t ask me why but I swear I think the two are somehow related

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i wonder if this way of creating spirit sigils work only for angels… or would it work for demons too ?

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By the rose method from my picture (my old account)?
That is a pretty tried and true method. Then there are other ways to create sigils.

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