Shy spirits

This may sound like an odd question, but I suppose I am at the right forum for that, so my question is if someone knows about spirits who are shy or dealing with shyness in some way? I find the idea interesting. Spirits of the subtler spheres could be a headline too.

Let them come to you on their own time. Or just leave them be. Some are just not that big on socializing.

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Tagged you in a post, just reach out to them. hope it helps

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It just strikes me that I feel the same way about spirits that I do about poems. If they come, they come. Flashes and subtlety is somehow my field. Thank you for your fine answer.


Thanks. It was more of an open, curious question than a question of which spirits that might help this time. :slight_smile:

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Wait, lol my bad i kinda misread it

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No problemo. Errors can lead to great things.

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