Should EA work for free?

Yeah, humans are peculiar in that they only value that which they have to struggle or work for. What is given freely isn’t valued much at all.

You ask any rich man who started from scratch, and wasn’t handed millions by Daddy, what he values, and more often than not they will say the first dollar they ever truly earned.

Also, people who are providing information or services for free or a minimal charge are often treated poorly and yet have more expected from them. No one would dream of treating a $300 an hour lawyer the way they disdainfully treat an overworked public defender, yet both lawyers could have gone to the same law school, and the public defender could have been top of his class. The one providing his expertise to clients for free is somehow seen as lower than the one charging his clients through the nose, even though the schooling may be the same.


"Should E.A. work for free? Hell no, He’s got a right to make a living! Besides on his you tube videos he already gives away a hell of a lot for free, maybe even more than he should.

Besides I think by paying for magical instruction it is a sign of the one wanting to learn magik of their commitment. In ancient times some one probably gave the village magician a cow of a sheep. In our time we exchange money.

I think that the idea/attitude that magical knowledge should be given away for free seems to be a left over from a body hating light vs dark dualism. Rather I think that the purpose of magik is to both enjoy being embodied and to make the being embodied experience the best experience we can make it for our selves and loved ones. Now that is ONLY my own perspective on the purpose of magik.

I have come to the perspective that dichotomy between the “RHP is for merging with Deity vs. LHP is about becoming Deity” misses the boat entirely. It’s all about the journey and fully experiencing and using the journey as it happens. I guess I no longer think of magik in terms of “Left, Right, Middle” of “light, grey,black” anymore it just is what it is. Maybe that just makes me confused and not enlightened.

Anyway I went on a tangent.

Hell Yes, E.A. has a damn right to make a fucking living. And if he makes a damn good living and becomes wealthy the more fucking power to him. E.A. has worked hard and he gives a lot back (all the free videos) he deserves success. Any one who would be grudge him his success I think is being either jealous or has a misguided sense of political correctness. And Yup, I’m a fucking Liberal and damn proud of it but that is another thread for another time.


In traditional cultures and systems, healers, shamans, and mediums were always paid - although form of payment varied. And usually the practitioner didn’t set the price.

Although, @Lady_Eva, let us not forget: we don’t pay the god-man, but we sure as hell better pay the god-man’s employer, or we’ll go to hell. I believe the going rate for a sure ticket to heaven is 10% of one’s income. (Now: if you really want to see an interesting war, ask tithers: is it 10% on net or gross income?) However, the point you make is germane: don’t pay the practitioner. And since we all don’t have a Holy Apostolic and Catholic Demonic Church to back us, the people we serve need to pay us directly.

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I agree, @DarkestKnight.

However, I am not sure many here have seen the Bollywood movie OMG - Oh My God!. It’s one of my favorite movies, actually. It exposes the hypocrisy and corruption of the spiritual estalishment: gurus, mullahs, priests, all together.

I have no problem paying gurus. My major problems is when charismatic charlatans exploit it for immense gain. (And from what I can tell, our beloved EA is not surrounded by a harem of doting women, driving Bentleys, living in a mansion - so he should be paid, especially since he provides actionable stuff, while these “holy” gurus do nothing but sit.)

That is, assuming he even wants those things. From what I know from his writings and his videos, I don’t think wealth is really his aim in doing what he does but spreading the knowledge. In my opinion, he seems to be pretty content living where he does, providing a comfortable home for his family, and sharing what he knows. And he understands that people will ignore or refuse to value what they get for free, so he charges for what he does. He grasps that what he offers isn’t for everyone, but knows seekers will find.


That’s not really a big thing in England, they pass a collection plate at services but that’s usually for the Church’s upkeep (and worthwhile IMO, they are historic and incredible buildings), we kind frown on the televangelist thing and tithing is not a norm so much.


Yeah just pass that plate along over here and see how many hateful glares you get.

The church I had to go to made you pay extra if your birthday fell that week to.

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So I just read the title and I’m probably not tracking with the conversation.
Anyone who thinks EA should work for free should be sending their own paychecks back to the company they work for. If EA should work for free then so should fry cooks, plumbers, lawyers, etc. Years to develop a skill and a set of specific knowledge is something that I would ever give away for free. My time is valuable. Fuck free


My thoughts exactly.

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Should EA work for free?

  • how did that even come up?
    Should ANYONE work for free?
    He does offer lots of free material.
    He is pricey on what he want’s or needs to restrict to more investigated Followers / Costumers.
    Would working for free go anywhere along his core concept of Godhood?

  • I think, only he should be considered to answer this.
    Yet again - Should anyone who investigates himself such far into his craft, be left unable to support himself and his family?



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I agree with what E.A. said before. If he did it for free, he could not afford to do it.