Shielding/buffer zone doesn’t work?

I regularly, daily and always after doing any session, ”purge” myself from external energies and feelings by using cosmic power and visualizing purifying fire burning connections to others. After I also put a shield on me, which has the ability to keep people’s thoughts and feelings away when I don’t spesifically want to look into them.

Yet, I’m increasingly getting other people’s feelings, thoughts, problems into my personal zone. Also in dreams. These people are my friends but also some not-so-close people. I found some topics where empaths struggle here with the same issue and shielding/buffering is recommended but why it doesn’t work?

It works like an hour and then the impact is gone, and I start getting random feelings and thoughts people are having at the moment. Also, my friends are feeling like I violate their privacy alltough they do know I don’t do it intentionally and I don’t want to know about their daily issues, it’s enough to have my own.

I’ve also meditated, tried to balance my chakras, done regularly grounding and MPR but all these work only temporarily. Dear people at the forum who have dealt with the same issue, how you solved this? I don’t want to get rid of this completely, I just want to learn to use ”switch on/switch off” button :smiley:

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This is might be your problem you are trying to keep them away but you need to also program it to lock yourself in. Likely their thoughts can’t cross the shield but your own mind is going outside of the shield and picking stuff up. Do you also specify the time and conditions to the shields existence. Without including a duration in the programming it is very likely just expiring on its own something like telling it to persist and feed itself until the next sunrise or whatever time and then reinstall it is a good idea. Also a good idea to bind it to a keyword that will let your senses out that you need to consciously recall so you don’t unconsciously release the restriction.

None of these work well for psychic abilities. These will help disperse energy and balance the flow of energy or awaken more abilities in terms of the chakras but they do nothing to teach you control. The reason they temporarily work is because it diverts you conscious and unconscious attention to something else. If you want to learn control then focus on controlling the faculties directly and use things such as grounding to keep a clear mind to enact your control. For instance you can tie your senses into the idea of tendrils emitting from your aura or some kind of psychic radiance and by focus control that image and your sensing with that image such as dimming the radiance or withdrawing the tendrils only to a certain radius and focusing your attention only in that radius and also projecting it farther away or in a certain direction. Work on exercises like that until they become second nature and you can just avert your sensing the same way you might just choose not to look at someone while still knowing they are there.


First of all thank you so much for your insightful response and tips. I realized this is exactly what is happening and no, I haven’t put any timing on the shield nor key words and therefore my conscousness starts wondering outside without control. I’m going forward with the key word programming and possibly add a timer for night times to keep my dreams about my own life.

I don’t know why I didn’t realize this on my own, this sounds very obvious now.

I’ll take this advice into action too.

Thank you very much, you have no idea how much easier these tips can make my life and reduce emotional exhaustion

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