Shemyaza's scribbles

That’s what he feels like in person.


That’s an understatement. He feels like being on MDMA


Hmm. I have a bit of ancestry there. And someone who works with Nephilim told me that I feel like a Nephilim descendent. Energy wise. Maybe I should put Semyaza on the list of things to do later. I’ll have to do more digging first.

Great thread btw!


MDMA? Not familiar with that acronym.


Methyline dioxymethamphetamine, aka the street drug ecstasy in its purest form.


Aah ty, sorry didn’t realize that’s what you meant.

Ugh that shit sucks, it takes my already sensitive senses and pushes it to everything causing pain.


You beat me to it. But yea I recently took the ancestry test and my wife and I both are micks. We’re over 50% Irish descent.


My spouse is Mic as fuck. And he can find a four leaf clover anywhere he looks for one. It’s hilarious.

I am mostly Germanic


You believe I was only 3% Scandinavian?


People often use that as a way of reaching gnosis. Pushing yourself to a breaking point past the duality of pain and pleasure. Perhaps it can be a tool for you later on.


I find drugs to be inhibiting onto helpful for me.
Not sure on this one, I already loose control when I’m anywhere near a train and the whisle sounds… not sure I want to pass out from pain.

Almost did pass out at universal studios with that Backdraft exibit they had.


It was a thought 🤷 you know what works best for you.

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I’ve heard it is helpful for others so I don’t knock the use :slight_smile:


@In_Between_Worlds maybe that’s the weird feeling in my skull. I’m also Irish and I won’t lie to you, a friend told me once that she channeled that I’m of both angelic and demonic energy. It’s a long story but if you’re familiar with the old channel on YouTube, masters of the sun/ serpents key, there’s a deleted video on the subject of Angelic and demonic souls. My Friend said the spirits said I had both. However I only had her ask to see the response. I wasn’t sure wether the concept of “angelic and demonic” souls were real.


I think in this case they are because I think the Watchers and Nephilim were physical beings at one time. I think the gods were too in some cases. But this is my opinion, can’t prove it, purely for discussion’s sake. What you mean bout head feeling weird? Do you feel like you’re wearing a hat all the time? Happens to me even when I’m not doing chakra work. Not saying I’m the same as you. Never had anyone tell me that I’m Nephilim descendant or anything like that before.

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It’s a fuzzy feeling in and around the center of my brain

I believe the same, that they have corporeal forms. I would also venture to say the nephilim we’re never wiped out and are likely reincarnated. Like in my case, of it is the case.

It’s entirely possible. Their lineage could not have been wiped out, because every story that tells about the deluge shows people surviving it. Doesn’t matter if it’s Sumerian, Babylonian, Jewish, Hopi, Chinese, whatever. There was a deluge and people died, but people also survived. Hebrew lore isn’t a reliable history of Nephilim because it claims Daddy sent the deluge to kill them, which we know isn’t true. I propose they all didn’t die and they all weren’t giants. That’s a mistranslation. Loosely it means they were the sons of the gods. Half human half Watcher/demongod


Interesting you use that phrase. I’ve been called that before.