Sharing dreams I had

No need to respond. I just, thought I’d share in case other people had similar.

These both happened in 2020, and I never had similar dreams like that since. Granted, I always have lucid dreams (like the deer one in my older posts), but these felt… like clear-cut visions. Like it actually happened!

First one-
I saw two beautiful pale golden-ish white kitsunes with red markings on them. It was like looking at a photograph- for they were both still and in a loving pose together. They (mostly my Mother speaking) said they were my parents. I told them I chose a human life for I do not want to be immortal, and even though they are sad to let me go, they still love me and are rooting for me. I won’t really have the prowess as normal Kitsune, I’ll be more human than anything. They respected my decision, and then something funky happened that I don’t really remember but it was like a bunch of colours mixed together and a bright white light… I don’t know how to describe it because I don’t remember it too well myself but it was like a big BANG and then I woke up.

The second dream was interesting and bittersweet.
I was a cat, and I had a loving mate (who was orange I think? Or grey? Or black?) And I had two parents who absolutely loved and supported me (who were orange). They were saying goodbye-ish to me and I was running towards a river and I said I was going to be back, and I love them so much. I was just hunting. I got swept up from the river and washed away to another planet and I was so sad. I tried to go back through the river I washed up from but I couldn’t get back to my planet. I was so heartbroken.

I am not sure why I had those intense dreams and then never happened again. I always felt a strong kinship to both cats and kitsunes (foxes). But that’s it. I’m going to do more research, to see if there is any meaning behind them.