Sharing a servitor for Manipulation, Lust, Love, Obsession, and Desire

@A_Pariah Could you please re open this thread.

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The thread is open. It is just unlisted. Do you want it to show again?



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Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks for this. I guess I didn’t really know how to activate Raegan’s power.
You think it helps drawing his sigil and having it around?

I’ll give it a go again :slight_smile:

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Yes, having the sigil would make contact easier :slightly_smiling_face:

He has the ability to work with the current attunements you have and to channel it’s powers to achieve your desired goal.

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May i use for the woman who i want to lust for me

yes, go ahead!

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So I simply summon him, ask what I want and thank him?



This implies that he will always disappoint, I assume that’s just a sentence error.

Also I just summoned him, super excited


Wow, already seeing results! Can’t wait for the requested outcome to come to fruition!


Nice, can I ask how the results have presented thus far?

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I have a close friend who keeps getting into abusive relationships who I care deeply for, broke up with their partner! They told me they were finally choosing their physical and mental health over a relationship that is harmful to them!!! I’ve been trying for years to help raise their self worth up and hoped they would choose healthy partners, but to no luck. I asked for Reagan’s help and this happened within hours of actually summoning and tasking him.

The full task I set is more personal than I’m willing to share, but I’ll update y’all when the task is done!


Excellent result! Very impressive speed


Very glad to hear about the results so far :slightly_smiling_face:
Raegan’s going to be getting a reward tonight!

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Tell me more about your case in Dms if you’d like to share and I’ll see how I can help.