Shadow work is liberating

Hi! :slight_smile:
For the last3 years I’ve seen my ugliest sides. The sides I often hide from others. The trauma in me that has manifested onto others unintentionally. I feel I have seen every inch of myself the things I find disgusting and the personality traits that make me unique.
Shadow work has been the first step of me being authentic and understanding my own psychology. By all means this has been incredibly taxing and hard on me. I feel this year I am my heaviest physically and spiritually. I’m now ready to officially let go of the trauma that resides within me. I see me and I guess that’s something powerful.

Ive struggled with an extreme hatred for myself since I was a young teenager and I’m now 24. I feel I now can experience compassion for myself but also my abusers. Some may disagree with my stance but I see that this trauma is generational. And that ends with me. I will not experience this with family yet to come due to the work I have done internally.

So if anyone has any experiences on how shadow work has elevated them in life please share! :slight_smile:
I like to hear the experiences of others.
It takes a long time to heal or understand these parts of ourselves we claim undesirable. So have to honor the growth within others who have broken the shackles of the pain and abuse they endured within themselves and relationships.
