Sexuality and the draconic current

Since invoking Lilith for the first time earlier this year and regularly working with the Draconic Ritual book and its meditations my sexual energy has become very heightened, even at times hard to control and handle. I’m also finding that certain fetishes and taboo desires are taking a much stronger hold, with regular compulsion to indulge in them. These are not new desires, they have been with me for half my life, but never have they felt this strong or compulsive. It’s as though I am compelled to exercise all the shadow, taboo and repressed aspects of my sexuality, kink, bdsm etc everything I’ve wanted to explore but haven’t. It almost feels like a runaway train that I can’t slow down.

Curious to hear your perspective or experience Asenath or from others who can relate?


Totally experienced this when working with the draconian ritual book, and kunda force.


Just concurring. I felt very similar, if not the exact same set of bodily/psychological reactions you’re having, when I started working with draconic meditations

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And has this rise improved your sexual magnetism towards your preferred gender/group of potential partners? Has it made you seem more attractive?

For me personally, I think it’s done that, in effect. I experienced a magnetism and a sense of vitality I didn’t normally give off or have. But the work that came after that did a lot more for both of those things, because the deities of the path became much more accessible to me from there, after some time

I mean has raising your sexual energy caused more people to want to have sex with you?

Here’s a question - for anyone whose been through this phase and on to the next, is there a firm threshold moment where you can tell this is changing? Admittedly a lot of this kicked off under trauma conditions for me (while I was somewhat working with Lilith and under incredible life stress) and I feel like I ‘grappled’ it relatively well into semi-submission and I tend to play with this energy to at least keep the pilot light on and keep it moving upward. It’s a bit like there’s another grip or catch that’s supposed to happen, I’m not asking what (probably none of my business) but how reliable the hand-off is.

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