Sex, Pleasure

My sexual life isn’t as satisfying as i want
should i use sex magic or other love spells ?

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What’s wrong with it? Do you have a partner, for starters?

Have you checked out the collection of tutorials we have for love and lust? Maybe have a browse an see if something pops out at you to try.


i have a partner, but for every sexual interaction she gets insecure scared and all that
it’s been a year since the last time we had sex


Sounds like what you want is a healing for her then.

She might have trauma around sex, or a medical issue, and people get very shamed and unwilling to talk about these in Case it makes people reject them.

A therapist is probably a good bet for this.


1 year and no sex? Damn.

Her problems aren’t your responsibility to fix. You’re supposed to have your stuff together when you’re in a relationship.

Have you spoken to her about it?

If she’s giving lame excuses then she’s probably lying and cheating.

Either way I’d look for a new partner. You don’t seem to be happy at all in the relationship.

Sallos, a goetic demon, is great for attracting potential loving relationships. Dantalion too.

For sexual stuff: Sitri.


I second this. The female body can be very responsive to trauma triggers and shuts down easily. Inner security issues are hard to break down and it will be slow process. It is super important to have her in a relaxed mindset; not only sexually but in as many other aspects as possible in her life. If you want to stay inside the relationship and if you want to help her out I would suggest spirits that are compatible with female or feminine matters. She needs to experience her body as a safe place for herself again, first. If she is able to deal with her own sexuality and her own urges again you could slowly start to integrate spirits that are helping with lust and passion. Don’t go all in if things start to get better. Take it slow, her body must re-learn that its safe for her to physically relax around you. It makes for a nice “getting to know each other” again, physically.


:point_up::point_up::point_up: one thing to help motivate you @zelhh is the idea that if you do stay with her and help her work through this/ heal you will be the most amazing person she’s ever met. That will lead to much more than good sex, it will lead to a strong relationship that you can rely on. And that, in my opinion, is one of the greatest treasures in life. I would also recommend that after you and her figure this out that you look into female sexual psychology /anatomy to better understand the differences between the genders. It’s helpful to know what you’re working with i think👍

At the end of the day it’s your decision to handle the relationship however you want so i wish you the best!!


she don’t trust in protection that’s the main problem which is so lame

Smells like a lame excuse, brother :lying_face:

do you have any solution for that

Leave the relationship because if she’s cheating that means that she doesn’t value you at all.

Plus in a new one you’ll get what you want without the fuss. I listed some demons to work with in my prior post.

If you look at it from her point of view it’s not lame at all: it’s basic survival. You want fun she wants to live.

A lot of men don’t understand this about women because you can’t get pregnant you’ll never know what it’s like to have that potentially life destroying vulnerability. The single most dangerous thing on this planet to a woman is a man, statistically, that’s not some weird feminist joke, it’s how nature made it. Women need a strong husband type to have babies but they are also at risk in the process if their picker is off. Think about what it takes for five minutes. All that is instinctive in women. Instincts don’t know about contraception.

It could imply though that she doesn’t trust you to stay with her and protect her if she falls pregnant, or she doesn’t want YOUR kid, which means you have bigger problems. If you’re not father material then you’re just not.

Don’t forget woman have all the burden and you have non if she gets pregnant. Her health and her life are at risk and your are not. Historically and unsupported pregnancy was a death sentence, so women are hardwired to be VERY cautious and get turned off without even knowing why consciously: it happens at the level of instinct.

Based on your attitudes in this post, she may be right: you show no understanding or attempt to try to understand her needs, or work with her, as much as get out of her what you want without regard for her wellbeing or safety. That’s always going to be a massive turn off for a woman.

Relationships are about fulfilling each others needs. If neither of you are prepared to do that you’re not going anywhere. The solution is to understand what she needs to see you as a real man that can be the father to her kids, even if consciously she never even wants them: her body does, and IT is going to get in the way if you’re failing that test.

Look to yourself and fix what she needs you to to want you and she’ll be all over you. Change yourself to change your world.

In his case you need Valefar, she’s not telling you, or doesn’t really know how to articulate, what’s wrong, and you have to know this asap to know if you can even fix it… of if you actually want to, you might not, by the sounds of it:

Perceptive wisdom. When you have already studied a situation for a long time and remain confused or unable to progress, seek perceptive wisdom, so you can see all that you need to know and understand the situation with wise perspective. You will be required to put in the time to think about your problem in the hours and days following following the ritual, but as you do, clarity will come quickly.


I second this, for different reasons, though.

You are not happy and - to be honest with you, from what I can perceive- she isn’t either. If you are not willing to actively help her with her problems you should be fair and give her the chance for a new start. And yourself a partner that matches your libido without fail forever (good luck with that because bodies and minds do change over the years) :+1:


I’d like to chime in because I can support this posting from experience :+1:

I had quite a battle with a chronic illness; my body was failing me and it changed my need for intimacy a lot. On top of that I had to take medications that didn’t mix with the estrogen in most contraceptives and he refused to use condoms. Guess what he didn’t get from me over the period of time my body needed for healing? Of course not without nagging me. All I could think about was “If I will get pregnant because of this I will have to support TWO kids alone” and it made me paranoid. Witnessing a pregnancy wave at work didn’t quite help and because he didn’t want to compromise with me he got nothing at all.

He didn’t make me feel safe and protected at all with his stance; all I knew was that if I would get pregnant it would have become MY responsibility alone. For the next 18 or so years. This outlook made me so uncomfortable that my mental libido died along with the physical one. I could never “repair” this bit about our relationship inside of my mind and it made me reject him as the role of the protector and “the man”.

Feeling unsafe about getting pregnant can be a huge mental block and is not a “lame excuse”. I don’t know about her physical health but if building a family is not on both of your list (if thats the case I would recommend spirits that are protecting “home and hearth” and are also good for pregnancies and childbirth! Also spirits that will get your qualities as a father and partner in shape before committing to such a task) you’ll either have to find a compromise about the way you want to manage your intimacy or I would call it quits.


i agree with you the main reason is because we are 19 but sometimes sex is a priority it’s the way it is

And it’s something that not just not a priority for her, she’s actively averse. So if you want it from her, your priority becomes looking for what the blocks are for her, and Valefar can help with that.

No Sitri help is going to help her be more horny because that probably isn’t the issue: women can be really turned on and not even know it because they disconnect the mind from the body like that.

I suspect the aversion to contraception is an excuse, you need more info on the actual cause or you’ll waste time on spells that don’t work.


Honestly man, at this point it seems like the best advice for you is to work on the mundane side of things. From your comments and general attitude it is understandable that she doesn’t want to be intimate with you. I mean the vibe I get from you is so nonchalant that if you told me some of these responses were about you not getting the coffee you wanted I’d believe it.

Relationships are all about growing up and fixing the parts of you that need work. I think the best advice is to work on you rather than her. You need to become someone who she wants to be with and right now it seems like you aren’t. There is no easy magick spell you can do here. Just buckle down and get to work my friend.

I think you’ll benefit from meditating on what you’ve told and trying to see her perspective. Once you realize how incredibly important and dangerous things can be for her then you’ll automatically be a better boyfriend and then get more sex. Good luck man!


i appreciate you so much these responses are making my life 10x times better


I really hope you find success!

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if i’m being honest this site gives me hope for everything