Sex offering for Asmodeus with a twist

I gave Asmodeus a sex offering in secrecy for the sake of having someone come to my life to my liking…

The petition came to fruition but there is a twist…
The woman that came to me seems to be possessed or just simply crazy…

She suffers of PPD and I don’t know if to further approach the way I want to or to avoid her completely and save my skin from such a person and events…

I almost feel like she is the definition of “be careful what you wish for” but at the same time she is all I want to fuck…

Open for opinions and constructive criticism ladies and gents!

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Friends with benefits. All the sex and no commitment so when she goes really crae crae you can dip :joy:

I’m just kidding.

Maybe there’s something going inside her head you can help her with that will calm things down for her. And help you keep the girl.

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Have fun, stay safe, have a backup plan if she uses emotional manipulation. If she is possessed do you know navigates her or has access to?


I feel your pain, really I do. Hang in there, bruh! Sexbots will be in the mainstream market soon :smirk:


You could contact and ask him, he probably had his own thoughts about why he set her up with you. She is either a gem or a lesson.


I don’t know, I’d probably end up ditching her.