Sex magic sigil please please help

Hello everyone i need your help please i have purchased a sex spell online and was given a sigil to draw and ejuclate on 6 times of which i did , i was then told to burn it in a container and ejuclate on the ashes and pour the ashes on a tree.

So far i have ejucalted on it 6 times but have yet to burn it , am i safe?
And how can i deactivate the spell if i wish to?

Many thanks


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Could you help me with my question please ?

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Safe from what, sorry?

Make a statement of intent. Take your sigil, state “I cancel and void all energy put in motion by my actions on this sigil!” and mean it, really feel that it’s the part that’s actually doing the magick, and then flush the sigil down the toilet, while watching the energy dissipate to nothing as it disappears from view.

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As i purcahsed the sigil i was told its a sex spell for succubus i was just wondering if it will harm me?

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Depends what you called. Not all online sellers are exactly clean when it comes to intent and spirits that are attached to them, we have no way of knowing, it’s generally a bad idea to do such spells without having the basics of spiritual hygiene down first so you can banish and cleanse if there’s a problem… when a seller doesn’t tell you that, it makes me wonder what else they don’t know or chose not to help you with understanding.

If case that’s new to you we have some info here as well as more found from the Search (magnifying glass top right):

Did it show up yet and have you asked it?

No nothing has and i was told to draw and ejucalte and then burn it , however i have not burned it for the reason that like you said dont know their intentions to be very honest i want to get rid of it , what shall i do to dispose of it and the spell in it


Sounds like you’re good then.

I just posted that above :+1: Here it is:

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Thank you for your time highly appreciated


Sorry to disturb you again shall i rip the sigil apart first then flush down or shall i just flush down the toilet?

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It’s large, so, yes rip it up so it will actually flush :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much


If you want a succubus to come to you, I’d either request that from a demon with sexual powers or look into the book Adventures in Sex Magick. You can also just kinda put that out there and it can happen if you are open to it happening. I’ve summoned them intentionally, but perhaps the first time was in a bathroom unexpectedly. I hadn’t even washed my hands, she just came at me and I was confused but horny, and the latter won.

It really does not have to be a complicated operation.

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