Sex magic and sitri to get what you want

I Have been aearching and found a good spell to cast for getting someone talk to you.

I had 2 paper dolls and got them baptised first
Later I used the sigil of sitri on back of the paper dolls I stick them with honey coming face to face.
Before doing that remember to write your name where his penis should be
I bind paper dollls and the petition together, back side of the petition I draw the sigi of sitri once again
I put it in a jar and I added venus oil, some cinnemon, think of me oil, rose water , rose oil, strawberry oil some syrup and anasone if you have moon water that is even befter.
On the sigil I used some of my blood and frankincen .
You can add some rose petals as well . I love using crystal on my spells.

So after sealing my spell I lit some candle for sitri and had an sex with an scubbus i knew she likes swx magic when you use her sigil in a specific job.

All you need to do is lit candle for her And gave your energy to the jar for 21 days…

I tried this for my ex and he kind of asked me how I was doing

If you try this spell pls let me know

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Where do i get it and how doni baptize it