Servitors for all!/feedback


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can i also be added to your group?

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I would like to be in the group!

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So I tasked Peter with making a target think about me and to tell me when he’s done. About to go i sleep, let’s see how long it takes


Have you added me in your group ? Thank you

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Please add me to PM Group too, thank you.

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Just asked LoganX for help, hopefully it goes well for me!

If like to be added to the pm group

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I would like to join

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I felt a warmth when chanting and looking at LoganX’s sigil. :slight_smile:


Hi Pluto! Could you add me to the group too please? Thank you.

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Hey, I just called forth your servitors and I like them already. Great job on them. I would like to get in the group.


Hello, I would like to be a part of the group as well?

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Hey Pluto, would love to join the group PM :slight_smile:

Will share results of workings if successful.

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Interesting, I have tasked all 3 and here’s my thoughts…
Peter: For his energy I see my bare feet in the sand with the ocean waves lapping at my ankles, it’s bright and sunny but not unbearably hot and the water isn’t too cold. It feels like relaxing in a hammock on a nice late spring/early summer evening.

For his task: TBD

LoganX: For his energy I see an armored black knight with his head bowed, with both hands on the hilt of a long sword and in his protective stance a fair Queen is looking up at him. He gives the feeling almost like a “Knight of the Round Table”.

For his task: TBD

Razel: For his energy I see myself walking through and overgrown meadow, my hand brushing their green leafy strands and tiny blooms. I also see myself on a swing in the same meadow, it’s the feeling you had when you were a kid and believed that you could physically swing high enough for your toes to touch the bright sun peaking through the leaves.

For his task: TBD


Hey i would really appreciate to join the group🙂

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Hello, I would like to be added to the PM group as well. Thanks in advance

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Can I be added in the PM group pls

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