Servitor for walkin

A person I know want to leave. He create servitor, but sadly servitor doesn’t listen. He ask servitor to possess him multiple time. He want to use him to walk in. My friend want to incarnate into atlantis era of this world. He does not want to suicide and waste life. He want to give servitor his life, and leave on his own. HE cry everyday that he wakes up. He doesn’t know how to astral project.

Look into this document online:
“Chaos Servitors, a User Guide”

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We create servitor, and other magicians say he is real. Walker(name) doesnt listen

I see that you changed your post, from archangel to Walker. I learned something new every day here LOL from what I read in the paper a servitor is a separate entity Created for a specific task. It looks like it can be down to an object but I don’t see any reference to merging with it. I’m not sure that would make sense to me since it’s already part of you? Am I on the wrong track here since I’m a newbie?

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I accidentally wrote wrong name

No worries, I guess maybe were thinking about two different things. I have never heard of what you’re describing sounds interesting though.

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Yes. Archangel sarinha is my money servitor. accidentally got confused in mind