Servitor Creation Tutorial-How I dos it, in Ten Easy Steps

Awesome. I’d love to hear how it goes, even if you don’t use my methods :stuck_out_tongue:


I just booked marked it too. I’m going to try this next week. I’ll share in my Lost Witch Journal.


I’m following you there, though I am guilty of not getting too interested in the mundane aspects, I often think cool crafts, no idea what your making but I’m crafty. I try not to derail every journal post that I see though! I am the worst with that! :stuck_out_tongue: I look forward to reading how it goes for you :hearts:


Thanks so much…

Step by step.

Bookmarked for future use… Will come in very very handy!

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Hi Keteriya,
I saw someone saying that servitors can do whatever their creators can do. What’s your take on that? I saw them as something magickal that precisely does what we can not do.

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I believe they can do anything we can do and then some.

I say this because they come from you, so they can take your knowledge with them, whether it is consciously or not. For @anon48079295 servitor I intentially, asked that he take what knowledge I have to be able to use towards whatever tasks Velenos may give to him. Velenos has also departed some if not all of his available knowledge to said servitor as well.

Sometimes servitors seem to be off to a slow start, and that’s usually because you gave them a task they didn’t know how to do, because they couldn’t learn from the knowledge you already had, so they had to go out there and find it. They exist mostly in the astral planes, and I cannot project yet, but I understand it works a lot like our world, and so thusly they can find answers even if we cannot give them.

@anon48079295 may be able to elucidate on this for us, so that it’s more comprehensible than the answer I am able to give honestly, as I am not able to transverse the other planes as of today.


Okay, so I have had a few questions to pms, that I think others might have as well, so I am going to paste them and my responses here, with the names redacted- hope no one minds! I’ve also made the situations a bit more vague, so that we don’t all go around trying to figure out whose questions these were. If I get more I will probably do the same, if they are related and I can see others benefiting from it. It will also give you a chance to get some feedback, from anyone else who drops by and has a thought on it.

  1. You say that anything can be used as an energy source, but how do I concretely specify it?

For example, I have a recurring emotion (anger) that appears sometimes out of nowhere due to the situation I want the servitor to solve. So when I feel angry, I summon the servitor and tell him to feed off my anger?

My response: You merely need to have the intent for the emotion to be drawn by the servitor and away from you when you feel those emotions. You do not need to summon the servitor to do it, if you intend during creating for the servitor to feed from that emotion- they will learn how to do it on their own. It usually takes a few days for them to make a noticeable difference, or even weeks if you are just starting, but they figure out it if you intend while you are making it/programming it, that they do.

They seem to be able to go find whatever knowledge they need, and take it from our subconscious. If you comprehend things like energy movement you can teach them to make it faster, or let them take the knowledge from you, but if you don’t- they will learn. I don’t know exactly how, I can’t astrally project and a lot of this magic stuff confounds me to date. I finally realized for some things, I’m best off just accepting they work and not worrying too hard on why until I can’t comprehend it. I expect that as my perception expands, my knowledge on the mechanics of such things will as well.

Now if you were feeling particularly angry, and it didn’t seem like the servitor was taking it fast enough or something you could summon it, and tell it to do it then. It would probably go smoother if it did have an example to start with, of how it should act, but I’ve never given an example to my servitors, I’ve just given them the intent to feed of these things, and they’ve figured it out

  1. I see that you mention that Olive will always travel with someone. I basically want a servitor that will create discord between someone and two of their exes, who make big efforts to be extra nice to him to make sure he’s there for them and to annoy me.

So, my servitor would need to create discord between them as well and that requires it to be in several places. Do you think it’s enough to just specify "create discord between X and Y, X and Z, Z and Y and the servitor will know when they interact, when to remind them of bad experiences with each other, and it will be where needed?

I see that you also put “remove XYZ thoughts from someone’s mind”, have you noticed a difference in the person’s behavior after the creation of the servitor? I’d like to remove the idea from this persons head that his exes are his friends and that makes me go into great lengths to make them act badly towards him (which hasn’t worked yet), but if just removing any good feelings by themselves work, it’s not necessary.

My answer: Yes. I think it will go where it needs to complete the task. The reason that I worded like that for Olive, was that this servitor is technically housed with someone sensitive to spirits like me. She’s designed to hide from sight and feeling so to speak but to never leave his side in case he needs her. That’s an unnecessary specification for most people.

Honestly with this servitor- I’ve not spoken to the person it’s with I two months. I have no idea.

But my children’s servitors are programmed to remove negative thoughts, feelings and emotions, and I saw a major difference within a week of deployment to my children.


I guess something, that I did not note to previously, is that most of my servitors are created then deployed. You absolutely can change the programming as necessary or design it to take tasks as you come up with them, but in the examples I have given they are set and release so to speak.

That’s why I build them with a continual food source that doesn’t need my attention and why my tasks are specified like they are. While many people take and make servitors to fulfill tasks on demand, I’ve taken it a different direction, and designed the servitor to be in constant operation, almost like plugging in a new device to the wall- you expect it to continue working, as long as it is plugged into the power source.


I read your post a couple of days back and it was the push that I needed to go ahead and make mine. I made him such that his fuel source shall be devotional energies in spiritual places or heat energy. I gave him two sources so he never lacks energy.

However, my sentience is not very developed so I’m unable to talk or converse with him. I’d given him his first task about 3 days ago and will do it again today to fortify it.

However, since it is the first time I’m creating one, if there’s no results in a couple of weeks should I assume I couldn’t make one and try again? Or should I give it a few months?


Yeah I had them learn my way of manifestation and apply it to what they already knew as well.


I find this interesting, but I guess I need more information to understand what you mean. Do you mean the devotional energies within your work/ritual space at home or generally speaking? I ask because I tend to use sources that will be in the vicinity of the servitor, so if you mean generally, I am certainly curious to hear how it goes for you.

Well, when I began, I didn’t feel like my senses were anything where they should be, and I am still far from 100%. The more you work with a spiritual being the better that will get, but using something like Robert Bruce’s tactile imaging, magic eye3d puzzles and the like, as well as the basics, such as meditation and banishing can help here.

I think we forget to mention that in addition to it being important to know how to get rid of shit we don’t want, that banishing resets the energy around us, so that we are more likely to feel when something enters our space. I don’t personally jive with the LBRP, or banish as often as most people recommend, but I would certainly look into starting some sort of routine to jump start your senses and help with this.

I would also say that you may feel as if you can’t converse with him, but his ability to hear you is not limited like yours is to him. It’s a one way call, but it’s still a call. I would interact with him frequently, so that you can learn how he feels, and begin to pick up on cues that he’s around.

It really depends on what you tasked the servitor for imop. If you tasked him to find you money, and you see nothing in a few weeks, I would assume that you either 1. have no source for money to come to you or 2. The servitor has no idea how to make it happen. I would re-summon and either task him with another job, or send him to do the same job with either more details on how to do it, or fewer details.

I saw more details, because sometimes we are too vague with what we want. I say less details, because sometimes we ask for a soulmate type, then we specify they need to be 5’2, blond and green eyes, oh and they should have a stellar personality and be beautiful too. That might not in reality be the perfect mate for us, so how can the spirits bring it to us?

Never sure if I make sense :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s a very detailed reply, thank you for that.

I programmed him such that he can feed off of devotional energies found in temples, mosques or gurudwaras, as I’m from India and he would always have those in the vicinity. While spiritual energy is rarer these days, people are still very devoted so the devotional energy is abundantly available. To be clear when I say devotional energies it is the emotions of devotion towards their own religion, so in a way I’m programming my servitor to feed on the energies and thoughts of others in case I’m not available for some time.

This is so important. I really needed to hear this. I think I forget this very often, not just with my servitor but also generally while praying.

I’m have an income source with high potential, a software for doctors and med students. I asked the servitor to bring in new clients. I will summon him again and retask him in a day or so if he doesn’t bring results.


With this I would personally make sure the Deities or such those temples and such are devoted to doesn’t wreck the servitor for stepping on their ‘territory’ so to speak. Like with Japan’s shrines are said to have spirits and such that reside within the shrines.


Have you tried energizing servitors using radionics (mind machines)?

No I have not. The only electronics in my practice are a computer and iphone.

Note: I got everyone’s pms and see the questions and stuff. I’m getting around to answering, I’ve been operating in emergency circumstance mode so patience is needing on all yall’s parts.

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Ah so, something very doable with the servitor. They tend to be great for businesses. Give him time to learn how to do it, don’t limit him on how can do, though suggestions won’t hurt be sure you put them out there as suggestions and not as only do it this way. Give him room to be creative, make sure he’s charged well and understands that is his job.

I agree with @anon48079295 at the food source. I would consider adding a additional source to ensure, that if he does run into issues it doesn’t fck with his ability to stay on task, because he’s not getting enough food. It can be anything. It can be he gets fed on how happy you are, each time a customer contacts you.


Wow, I’m glad I came across this cause there are certain aspects that you list on her for servitor/familiar creation that I would have never thought of. Thanks!
By the way, do you know of any ideas or so to absorb servitors/familiars back into the creator? Cause I know that we create one we can absorb them back into us if we want when we feel that it’s time or have outlived their purpose.

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I would just build it into the kill switch, that upon use, all energy currently existing within it’s form will be reabsorb either to yourself or to a designated vessel.

Any of the common methods you read for doing this would work as well. Most of the resources out there, give example ways of how to destroy a rogue servitor if necessary. I’ve not included them, as if you follow the process the way I outlined it, you shouldn’t run into this issue- Your servitor will have been built to stay on task and have a ready supply of energy to operate on.

The kill switch covers the need as far as I can see it going for most peeps, which would be- they simply have no further need of the servitor. But you can also reprogram and task them for different things, as I have shown too. So I apologize, I didn’t see a need for that up front lol.


Question from my pms:

Do you know is it possible to set up a servitor for attack purposes only, with the servitor not only wreaking havoc on the target but setting it up so it uses the targets chi/aura as a feeding source like a vampire? A kind of double whammy?

Absolutely, this is a fairly common practice in my mind. I’ve been using these beings to aid, with the things I don’t have enough time to focus on. My kids are always going to have negative emotions popping up around them, so it makes sense to use the servitors to alleviate this, as well as feed themselves for other tasks.

There is no reason you can’t build one with a strictly baneful intent, and design to act as a terrorist to a target.

However. I would make note, that once you have finished with a target, you are going to either need to program it to go dormant when you are done with that target, or re- task it, as it it’s food source will not remain once their job is complete.

I am saying this, based on not adding any additional food sources, with the assumption you would use it it to truly feed of the target. You could also build it with a back up source, and designate it as only to be used when not engaged with a target.


More questions from pms.

I figure that you would be a subject matter expert on these things.

Dabbler with all, expert at none.

What are your thoughts and levels of experience with Lilith(Namaah, Agrat, and Eisheth if you have worked with them as well)?

None. I’ve felt no desire to work with any of them, and have not been sought out by them.

How easy or difficult would you say it is to create them based on your tutorial?

Just fill in the blanks to suit your needs essentially, so very easily adaptable to most situations- to that especially imop. It’s the intent that matters here.

I’m not exactly artistically inclined, which makes it difficult to sketch them as you eloquently show in your posts. Same goes for sigils, to be fully honest. Any help, guidance, and insight would be greatly appreciated.

I know I mentioned, using a digital piece of art that I had commissioned, for my daughters servitor. You can get a friend to draw it, you can just search google, until you find the perfect image. The point is the time spent on growing the servitor. The more time and energy I pour into the creation phase, the stronger they are. You could make a poppet to represent them, a play dough figure, anything.

You can even purchase a vessel- a crystal, a bracelet, anything and essentially make it a home/thing you can connect with instead of a sigil or a drawing.

Truly guys, You can think outside of the box with servitors. If you can dream it, we can make it work.