Servitor Creation Tutorial-How I dos it, in Ten Easy Steps

Yes I have, I’d never met the entity I called upon prior to it, so I would assume no it’s not necessary, but they may be more likely to appease you if you know them well. I could have past live relationships with the one I chose for all I know. I’ve only worked with them on a few servitors, it’s gone really well, but I’ve not had any use for the entity in my life.:woman_shrugging:t3:


This is a question from pms, I thought I covered it in my initial post or replies but maybe I haven’t so just dropping it here:

Hey i got another question, if i want my servitor to look like Hulk or Iron man, but i cant draw it. How do i get the servitor in that form?

Me: I’ve used digital images that I have commissioned like this. Basically as you write up the form and such you need to visualize the servitor taking on the physical qualities from that image that you want it to. I actually spend a lot of time pushing energy from myself into the form I am creating and find the more you push the energy, the more the servitors form will begin to look like it. You could channel energy and mold it into the form as well, from whatever your source of energy is, if it’s not yourself. I tend to use my own energy for the form, but that’s personal preference, as I just find it’s easier to mold out of the gate than a channeled energy is.

No I can’t visualize so, so if you run like me without visualizations it’s slightly more complicated, but as the majority can visualize, I’ve replied in kind. :slight_smile:


Just wanted to thank you again @anon97554939, for posting this in-depth tutorial. I’m in the middle of creating my first servitor and between this tutorial and another one, I’m feeling inspired, full of positive energy and can already feel the energy of my servitor while I’m doing this. Very powerful.

I haven’t really worked with servitors before, but I keep being pushed to create one by a particular spirit, so I’m answering the call and diving right in.

I have a good feeling she’ll get the job done. :bouquet:


Sounds like it’s well on it’s way! I’m glad this was able to help you in any way lol. I know it’s a little different from the other methods I’ve come across, but it usually works out great for me personally.


How do i re-program it? Is it like changing the settings? please explain? aLso after creating servitor and giving it life, if i want to enhange or make sightly change in it, how am i gonna do that? Take a new paper, write it down again and give it life? Again please explain ^^’

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Here you go :slight_smile: Yes you want to rewrite it and destroy the old programming, to cement it as a done deal. I like to burn things to make it undoable/final, but I don’t use paper anymore personally, other than for the sketches/artwork.


how do you channel the intent into them? and if i randomly pick any character from internet or anime will they have their anime show personality? or the personality i give them? i mean their original personality trait wont occur right?

This part has been answered :stuck_out_tongue:

By pushing the energy behind the intent into their form is the best way I can describe, but if you look up how to channel energy, that’s essentially what I do, only I am doing it from myself and not an outside source.


I’m really bad at drawing. Is there any other method I can use to create an image of my Servitor?

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I think this pretty much answers your question :stuck_out_tongue:

I am really bad at drawing too, I just enjoy it. If you take a look at the servitor Stormy, that I shared with the forum, she is actually a color book page, the effort and energy expend on coloring her form solidified it, and I’ve used this method a lot recently, because it’s different from my norm and kinda fun.

You can also sew, knit etc anything you do that puts energy into it, while you imagine it aids the process, but you don’t absolutely need a physical form, visualization and energy you expend into the visualization process is plenty, as long as you put a significant amount of effort into it-if you can’t come up with something that works for you.


Thank you :wink:

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Servitor creation questions I just received in pm:

Question 1 When creating them how long does it take you ?

Question 2 do you visualize them before Creating them ?

Question 3 when creating them do sent the intent as to why you created them ?

Question 4 how do make them loyal to you or not rebell against you ?

Question 5 does it have to have a form or it could just be a Ball of energy the can shape-shifting to anything the master/user desires ?

My answers:

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I am going to try to create a servitor to send to my friend, CS, using this method.

I have never created a servitor before, but I have created an extremely strong thoughtform that my friend, QB, and her stepfather, AC, could both sense.

Am I able to send the document to you for feedback?

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Uhm. I personally have a lot going on atm, and I don’t really like to scan things for other people- mostly because I rarely get images, usually only impressions of feelings, energy and the like though I do sometimes get visual impressions. It’s just usually a challenge for me to put into words what I felt and explain it in a way someone else can understand.

I’ve actually got a court hearing tomorrow, and if it doesn’t go well I could be away for quite some time, so you might be able to get someone faster in one of the scanning threads, if it does go well I have commitments this weekend, so it would still be several days before I was personally available.

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That’s okay. I might post it on the forum with some critical information censored out. C:

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Yeah sorry, I’m just kinda hanging out today, but that’s mostly because I’m really stressed and I’ve spent the week on a bus getting to and from where I had to be in preparation for tomorrow.

I’m sure someone can help you out, once your ready though.


Would you say this is less or more difficult than sigil creation? Wanting to take my sex magick to the next level lol.


Neither really, both take or should take a fair amount of energy to be successful :stuck_out_tongue:

I think most people would say sigils are quicker, but honestly I never have any luck with that, unless I sit and channel a shit ton of energy into it, so for most things I make servitors.

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Thank you so much!!

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@anon97554939, when you create a servitor, you see it in your mind’s eye and not with your physical eyes, correct? I have the Damon Brand book and made a servitor of influence using his method in Magickal Servitors, and I’ve heard and read seemingly contradictory things as to this. In his book, Brand mentions that it shouldn’t be in the likeness of a real person, living or dead, so I just made it look like a hot goth chick I imagined because 1). I love hot goth chicks and 2). It was targeted at a man ( my pain management Dr, to increase my dose of chronic pain meds, starting slow with 1 additional pill per day, something I feel she should easily be able to influence him to do ), and what better to influence a man than a hot girl was my line of thought. So far, it doesn’t seem to have done anything, and this was a year ago. So, do you see your servitor with your physical eyes and it failed if you didn’t, or is it usually seen in your mind’s eye/imagination with great detail and clarity? Also, since I petitioned King Paimon to make him increase my dose ( which he did, by 1 pill per day ), and now have Orias on him. Does the demon hinder or is it hindered by the presence of the servitor, or will they work together, or the demon “side-step” the servitor ( or destroy it because it’s in the way or whatever reason )? Her food source is when I call her name aloud 3 times and say a spoken, magickal word I came up with to call her to me, say “welcome name of servitor, feed now upon this life giving breath of your creator” or a similar phrase, then breathe my life’s breath ( which I visualize as a bright white light in my breath as I breathe upon her sigil ). Her second method of feeding is when I feel happy about her successfully doing her living purpose and me getting the results I want. These were programmed into her during creation when I made her “character sheet”, but before gestation and birth, as recommended by Damon Brand. I basically followed his instructions as laid out out in the book, the main concern is the physical eyes or mind’s eye thing, because I put my focus, will, emotions, sincerity, and desires into her creation.