Separation/The Fall/Merging back with source

Pardon the redundancy in the title. I just made a reply to someone’s question to EA in that section of the forum but then deleted it because I realized the question was addressed to EA and not the forum. Anyway

I noticed there are many people on this forum who seem to know what to me is the ultimate truth. That God is the ultimate source from which we all spring from. The ultimate state or what not. Anyway, the question this person asked was basically “so are we really the fallen ourselves?”

My response was, we are but we fell for a reason. Perhaps we thought "could there be more than this?" And we all branched out from that state and then the universe came into being with us in it, we created the limited from the limitless, we made up death, etcetera (Every major religion seems to revolve around this guilt trip because of this fall btw)

So the way I see it is we have two options. Option A is to continue our goal, the reason we branched out in the first place. We wanted to become our own God's, make our own reality, experience something else. Or option B, which is to just get back to the state from which we all come from. 

What I find interesting from reading this forum is that most people here seem to know this. They know that the source, God, our origins, whatever you want to call it is this ultimate cause of causes that we can reach. But reaching it isn’t the aim. The aim is to sort of do, create and be whatever else we can and want to be and create.

So, my question I guess is, does anyone here have a goal of getting back to that ultimate state of causation? Or is the plan to eternally remain earth bound, perhaps becoming demonic and dwelling somewhere on the astral plane after death? From my study of the rhp, it seems to indicate that there will come a time when everything that has ever seemed to separate from source will merge back with it

I don’t think it’s inevitable, I think that’s based on our primate experience of needing sleep, and of knowing death eventually awaits - that our ancient ancestors believed death and (re-)birth were linked, seems evident from the early burials where people were buried in fetal position, covered in red pigments, like blood.

It seems that our minds can’t comprehend infinity, eternity, and so they have to imagine that at some point everything will reset itself.

But nothing else in nature folows that pattern, entropy seems more the norm (and the only force able to reverse entropy is a conscious awareness that’s willfully shaping matter and energy into less-probable forms, be they a box of Lego bricks, rays of light, or atomic particles) so that’s why I think that the potential for LHP-style evolution and theogensis is infinite.

I think the nature of this universe we’re in is to expand, grow, and seek out more life, more complexity of form and experience, and I don’t see it all one day looking at its watch, going “Meh” and deciding to withdraw from that, though if you give any credit to the block world model, all “time” has already happened and is still happening, so the moment of perfect unity is there as real for Source as the extremes of expansion.

When a person has that experience of merger, of becoming back as one with Source, then it does feel like the world dies on you, even if you have your eyes open it’s just hollow ashes and illusory shadows, so there’s in one sense no thing to merge back, since it was always a projection anyway.

I find the model that we’re brought forth, sent, or fallen into individuated existence, and then have to go through various hardships until we cringe back to it (like a battered divorcee moving back with mum and dad) to be a bit limiting, we are and are always in it, and of it, we just don’t realise, and because non-existence as an individual seems to offer an escape from various kinds of troubles, so many people think that’s the only game in town for spiritual liberation.

So I’m more interested in being the Source self-aware and operational within an individuated body, than thinking at at some future date it will want or need to do something like the collapse back into a single point.

JMO. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:2, topic:7415”]I find the model that we’re brought forth, sent, or fallen into individuated existence, and then have to go through various hardships until we cringe back to it (like a battered divorcee moving back with mum and dad) to be a bit limiting, we are and are always in it, and of it, we just don’t realise, and because non-existence as an individual seems to offer an escape from various kinds of troubles, so many people think that’s the only game in town for spiritual liberation.

So I’m more interested in being the Source self-aware and operational within an individuated body, than thinking at at some future date it will want or need to do something like the collapse back into a single point.

JMO. :)[/quote]Wow very good point, so you’re saying we can work our way up to realizing and being conscious of our infinite source and potential but we don’t have to necessarily disappear back into it and lose ourselves. I see.

That’s kind of how I see it - first, it emanated (dreamed into being, whatever) all forms, including our individuated selves, some of which are so appalled by the necessary frictions and dynamism of time (resulting in wars, grief, death, all that) that they only want to kind of crawl back into it and cease to care about the world of created forms, which is certainly an understandable reaction, especially when that return to formlessness is hailed as the highest, most noble, and most moral path.

Most of us like to feel good about ourselves, and even like we’re making a contribution or some kind of mark in the world, and the RHP concept of Union (via moral imperatives like detachment, non-violence and so on) pretty much has that sewn up in the mass modern culture.

The alternative I believe in is for individuals to become both self-aware (in the sense of being aware that we’re emanations of this one Source) but at the same time, remain anchored within the world of the physical (at least in my case) and operate within it, as the literal God of our own creation, and not in some fuzzy “The Secret” way, I mean seriously able to think things into being through a focused act of will, and no disclaimers about how we didn’t believe enough, say enough affirmations, or get our vision boards completed, etcetera! :slight_smile:

I say that with affection because I think that hunger that’s arisen in recent years is like the stirring of a child still in the womb, ready to be birthed into power, and as far as I know there was no such mass popular movement towards the idea you can literally design your reality prior to, first, the emergence of New Thought, and then its explosion into popular consciousness throughout the last half of the 20th century, peaking with “The Secret” in 2007.

But it does still have training wheels whereby probablistic outcomes will take over if the person does a few things wrong, and I think the time will come when we no longer need those, so they slowly disappear - probably for a few isolated and deeply committed people at first, then a group that’s being influenced by them, then - who knows. :slight_smile:

I did see something weird recently that touched upon why the versions of monotheism that deny people any kind of magickal/non-ordinary ability to control their reality, are actually fundamentally dangerous to this creation - I posted about it here.

That’s all probably more of a metaphor than some kind of solid verifiable fact of metaphysics (if, of course, such a thing could even exist?!), but it explained my earlier prophetic visions and immersive experiences about the necessity of theogenesis and the dangers of the dual disempowering beliefs of monotheism and skeptical materialism.

It’s a bit like if I had a daydream about David Beckham gazing adoringly at me, at first it might be fun, later all I want to do is imagine what he’s thinking as he gazes at my loveliness :o) - at what point would I become so invested in his love for me, that I’m pathologically unable to function as Eva any more?

And, we didn’t see this in the ancient pre-Abrahamic cultures, their gods often walked among us, got bloodied or even defeated, and there was always the potential held out for some small group of humans to ascend to their level, either through great heroism, the love of a god or goddess, or being the secret love-child of a god etcetera - there was always a two-way street.

So, that whole Narcissus thing I saw is probably a metaphor, maybe scaled down in size for my primate mind, but just throwing it into the pot because it’s a significant part of why I’ve looked for understandings of these issues which use the same framework of a Source (or originating consciousness) from which we emerge, which I’ve experienced myself, but which don’t arrive at the same conclusions as the mass religions of either the west (in which people try to obey a God who wants certain things of his creations) nor the east, which strive towards union with it.

[quote=“DevilDoll, post:1, topic:7415”]

So, my question I guess is, does anyone here have a goal of getting back to that ultimate state of causation? Or is the plan to eternally remain earth bound, perhaps becoming demonic and dwelling somewhere on the astral plane after death? From my study of the rhp, it seems to indicate that there will come a time when everything that has ever seemed to separate from source will merge back with it[/quote]

The source, or the multiversal intelligence as I like to call it is the culmination of every possible intelligence that can exist. Essentially reality as we know it with seperation is the multiversal intelligence making up voices in its head. The louder voices are what people call gods. Now all these people who want to become the source don’t realize, this seperation was made for a reason. Imagine your the only thing in existence, a singular perfection, all that can ever be, this is the multiversal intelligence. It made this stuff were experiencing because it got bored, being the multiversal intelligence is boring so all of us are it pretending tobe something else, all our freinds, all our enemies, just games it made up to pass the time which will inevitably repeat and repeat in every infinite variation that can be conceived.

So no I am very much not trying to become the source because that sounds terrible and imo if you know whats good for you, you’ll try to avoid doing so too. I do want control of my reality so what I am doing is developing the power and skills nessecery to do that, to be one of those louder voices, but going beyond that to me isn’t desireable.