Separating supernatural from psychological

Any thoughts on this? Also separating coincidence from supernatural as well.


of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person.
“the victim had sustained physical and psychological damage”

It’s been said that there are people who have psychological damage begin to see and hear things that are not there. The question then is because of this damage is an entity taking advantage of this situation be it benevolent or malevolent.
Does the person not knowing what is going on suddenly thrust into our world.


I’ve heard of people taking severe injury to their PFC and gaining profound knowledge of science mathematics languages etc. I believe it relates to another study done, the research group electrically stimulated one part of the person’s brain and the person became more creative. Where do these two areas overlap, where do psychology and supernatural overlap? For fucks sake it’s hard to even prove that we are here ourselves. “I think therefore I am”, could just be deduced to some demonic force telepathically tricking us into thinking we are.
It feels like a grey area… I believe perhaps they do overlap now that I think some more… For example someone raised in a Christian home may have a massive fear of demons. When they try evoking their psychological nurture will in turn affect how the demon treats them, as well as takes form. Is the demon responding to their fears b/c some supernatural explanation, or is it mostly psychological, does it lean to one side more versus the other? This is a mess of thoughts but I hope you get what I’m trying to convey.


Yes I agree. The mind is a very powerful thing. Welcome to the the Matrix, red pill or blue?


hahaha what is red?

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In the movie if memory serves me the red pill shows the artificial world that they were living in and the blue pill let remain blind to it.


Oh yeah. I was more so poking fun at the concept of not being able to prove much in a subjective reality.


I hear you. But then it raises another question, how do you prove it? Other than going to “The Source” (God/Gods or Goddesses) and ask. :thinking:


Hmmm… Perhaps an experiment would help. A scientist across the globe from an experienced astral traveller, gets a random number generator, prints out the number on a piece of paper. The scientist then asks the magician to tell him the number. I feel like this would be solid evidence for astral projection. Thoughts?

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Is this a hypothetical question?
There are those in this forum who have actually done Astral travel I would ask that question to them. My field of expertise is severely limited. Short answer yes it would.

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Sounds to me like you have a problem with believing in Supernatural? Didn’t you say you had a friend who was somewhat psychic?

The Supernatural operates at 2 main levels. The level where you see crazy shit… and the other level that is considered low powered like your own thoughts or unconscious… which may make it look entirely psychological, but it isn’t.

I don’t have a problem with believing in it. I do believe that not every supernatural thing is in fact supernatural. If someone asks a question about what color the sky is it doesn’t mean they don’t know.

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From my experience magic tends to maifest as coincidence if your working to bring change in your life. There are of course those epic “how the fuck did that happen?!” And the “What the actual fuck just transpired here?!?!” Moments which are always fun as @Lady_Eva has said before do weird shit, weird shit will happen. And that is part of the fun :smiling_imp:

The amount of acceleration that is building on my goals is proof enough for me.