Seen it all. Yawn

Going back.
Annie Bonnick is in my opinion the most powerful witch in creation.
We had a falling out, when I was sacked from the GCOL.
She attempted to take away my powers.
For a time, she succeeded.
I was forced to endure a full possession to counter act her curse.

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I see. I never heard of her,but I am only a newbie, after all.
Glad you have your powers back on track

Female witches r all powerfull.
To those with knowledge, this is common sense.
The problem begins with acknowledgement.
Mere acknowledgement creates power.

Soooo…if I just won’t acknowledge something it won’t be able to draw power from out of it? :slight_smile:

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Why ?

Acknowledgement is key.
Acceptance of existence.
Only by complete acknowledgement of what is , can something be created.
Existance relies on acknowledgement.
(Tree falling in the woods)
In order for for something to exist, it must be perseived.

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The mere act of thinking of something makes it real.
If I place a curse on you, that thought that is now placed in your brain , gives it power.


Schrodingers curse it is, then


Very good.
Your belief, combined with verbal torment brings all into reality.


I see! Thats why customers are always insisting that they are right, when they -in fact- aren’t! They wish to manifest their belief into reality :thinking:


All humans ,no matter how daft, posses the capacity to control their paths.
Unfortunately most don’t know this.
So they dither on and on.
Some people however realise that they have an intense internal will that they project (accidentally )that effects real change.
Some look at it in a fairy floss ,cotton bud, fluffy cloud way .
A small percentage grab that effect and build on it.
These people look deeply into this effect and realise the sourse.


Where did u go?
I noticed u erased 2 posts.
Talk to me.
U will benefit from this.
Iam more real than most here.

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Curse to kill or curse to heal

How old r u ?

Nevermind :slight_smile:

You mentioned this …

Would you explain the nature of “belief” that you were talking about ?

I’m 44 by the way


Beleif implys the potential for non existance.
Is this the answer your looking for ?

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Im 44 too.

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Thank you, yest it was.

Appreciated :slight_smile:

Glad to meet you here, 17.07.1974
I’m 22.03.1975


The 16th is the exact middle of the year.

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I work in a similar way. But I do use evocations, spirits are not with me all the time. Tried that, didn’t work out well :slight_smile: