Seeking a simple yet effective love/ lust spell for the one that got away (geographically)

I am trying to either formulate a spell or find a spell that gets me the gentleman I have so deeply fallen far. I would like to find something simple with or without some natural ingredients. I have recently started building up my ingredient collection like rose petals from my garden, local honey, cinnamon bark etc.
I have previously cast a few spells and they worked for a day or so and then he disappeared from my life.
The reality is that he has moved to another country and we don’t talk anymore, we have spoken thrice in the last six months. I would like him to feel as deeply as I do.

For spells specifically I don’t know but the nether under Azazel who is called Fro’Ghla’tash can be called for the EXACT reason. The spirit is said to bring anyone to your doorstep.

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Interesting approach. Thank you!
Anything I should keep in mind while going down this path? Any good resources for me to get started on this with?

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You can evoke Fro’Ghla’tash simply by having strong intention ( literally just have a moment or two thinking exactly what you want to accomplish) then enter the ritual space, and begin to call Fro’Ghla’tash by simple sigil gazing.

Once you notice a shift in your ritual space, welcome the nether and state your request. Take aslo a moment before stating your request to sort of charge it.

The charging phase is done by sort of connecting the image and indentity of the person that you want to attract with your actual words that you will need to say to spirit (the request itself)

Try to make it as relieving and orgasmic as possible, like literally exhaling and exhausting your desire into the spirit. Once you do you can simply offer something to the spirit like blood, let the whole incense burn etc.



Wow, thank you! That is wonderfully detailed. Please bear with me as I have a few more questions:

  1. Are the specifics (alter, ingredients, offering) important or the intent?
  2. If it is the specifics, then can I please have a resource that gives me this information together in a step by step format so that I get it right?
    3.What do you mean by “shift”? What signs can I look out for?
  3. Is there any particular incense or can I use anything at hand?
  4. Any specifications for the sigil like colour or size?

Thank you so much for helping me out.

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Intent is the most important, all other things are complementary. Thus being said for this ritual i advice you to use a red candle Since it is basically a love spell and other members used a red candle and Fro’Ghla’tash and had success.
Q2 , with this above and the basic evocation mentioned in the previous post I think it’s enough.

Frankincense, myyrth and sandalwood are welcomed by all spirits. I say this because in the book of Azazel is not specified on what EA used, EA probably just used black candles and one of these incenses. But red candle and frankincense are tested for this. Dragon’s blood is also very good.

No, just what is comfortable. A normal size that is good for you and colour is not needed.

What makes you think your spells didn’t work as intended?

Getting him to feel as deeply as you do is, in fact, you’re only stated goal. One that is pretty difficult to measure. And for some reason you think that him leaving the country is proof that he doesn’t feel strongly as you do.

It’s not mentioned, but have you considered all the factors into why he did move? Was it school, and, thus, his future? Was is a job or his career, things closely tied to his ability to be a provider, not to mention also responsible for him being able to maintain things like shelter and daily food supply? Was there some sort of family pressure? Could be culturally based, or just something he needs to take responsibility for, like caring for a sick family member?

Things like that tend to pull ALL of our focus, especially if there wasn’t a solid relationship anchoring you two together. It would also tend to kill any hope there would ever be a relationship in the future.

I’m not saying this is the case, but it is worth considering the possibility that your spells worked as intended, and because he doesn’t see a relationship possible, he’s been withdrawing from you because you have essentially become a source of emotional pain for him.

If that’s true, any further spellwork along those lines is just going to have the opposite effect from what you’re looking for.

I’d suggest first finding out what his feelings are right now and having him open up about moving to where he moved to. If he does feel as you feel and cannot get out of whatever he’s doing there, be open to you going to him.

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I am so overwhelmed by your comment (in a positive way). I think I was sort of blind this whole time, refusing to accept reality. We both knew he was leaving, he told me he would the day we met for the first time I think.

I’m not saying this is the case, but it is worth considering the possibility that your spells worked as intended, and because he doesn’t see a relationship possible, he’s been withdrawing from you because you have essentially become a source of emotional pain for him.

I didn’t consider this at all and if this is true I don’t know how to process it. The few times we’ve spoken after he moved away he asked me of I was planning on moving at least to his timezone. I think I ignored a few blatant sign all along the way because I was too blinded by my feelings.
I do see all the factors that made him move, and I see your solution too. But it is rooted in him being open to communicating with me. Unfortunately that’s off the table. I need a cosmic/ otherworldly push to make things work for me here. I have tried everything else possible humanly.

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He might be open to it, but not if the comms only serve as a reminder of something he doesn’t have (you/relationship).

Maybe revisit the whole “moving to at least his time zone” conversation. Low-key let him know you’d be in favor of it. Even if it can’t happen, the point is to keep the spark of hope alive long enough for you to manifest something positive (like a better position that would bring him back here).

I’m glad I could help and I sincerely wish you luck!

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