Seeking a lateral move from armchair magi to magi

I guess four crucial steps for any ACM transferring to Magi would be:

  1. Don’t Give Up,
  2. Don’t doubt magic,
  3. Don’t doubt yourself,
  4. Don’t doubt your teachers.

I see what you’re saying, for the unemployed person, they should do the standard state requirements for unemployment - have a solid resume, seek work, log work sought, report to the state.
So in any case, we are expected to do all our due diligence and get help through magic.
I do have The Magical Job Seeker :slight_smile:


But then here is the question, is Demons of Magic only to be used to get the confidence that all of it is very real, and to mingle with all 72, and do this 3 times (Ritual One, Ritual Two, Ritual Three)? If that is the case, having 30 petitions ready to go isn’t that insane, or even within a chaos magic method with Goetia might be plausible. I see what you’re saying though, start small and build up from there.


As life opportunities go, spiritual is kind of a mirror image. What I mean is, magical goals should be a concise statement, with an expected date.
In a mundane project, we work backwards from the other end, to our end, knowing what our exit plan (how we make a milestone transition) is, and when (date for the exit plan).


Before I bounce off to work, hope everyone has a great day.

Did morning Adorations and standard QC/LRP/QC.

Prayers out for friends and loved ones to be kept free from harm or evil.

Tried to strongly visualize the pentagrams, the circle and the archangels.
Seeing and feeling their presence before basic color visualization, hearing the pentagrams on fir and feeling their heat.

My daily tarot meditations 3 draw:
XIX The Sun acting through the Ace of Swords upon 6 of Wands
XIX The Sun - Sol - Hod-Yesod. Regeneration, healing, material comfort.
Link between imagination and natural magic.
Ace of Swords - Root of the Powers of Air, Spirit of Air, Kether of Yetzirah.
Authority in communication, purity of thought. Rash wrath.
6 of Wands, Lord of Victory, Tiphareth of Atziluth. Jupiter in Leo.
Goets: Leraje, Furcas
Shems:Saitel, Olmiah

Have a great magical day!!


And realized one thing that might be causing issues with my magic … the way my place is organized.


Okay, time to go through all the replies to this post to find non spirit related answers.

First off from this dude here:
" Practice, practice and practice.

Time to take those book smarts and put them good use practically.

Take a look around your life first and decide what’s good and what’s not and start flexing your muscles.

I like to work on what I consider projects. I started with working on my life and then I branched out to helping others.

LBRP and middle pillar are two rites I’d recommend. Begin learning bornless.

I’d do a daily tarot card meditation a one card draw.

Perhaps once a week a petition.

You could get started that way."

Okay, so Circle of Light Ritual, LBRP, MP. Always good ideas.
Tarot meditations are always good.
Bornless Ritual and Invocation of Thoth I will have to go back to, that and solar adorations daily. Whenever possible for a week all I will do are these.

Candle magic


These I will try too, because I know @DarkestKnight mentioned AO Spare. I will read up on his works and carve the candles.
Meditation I don’t have time for, life is getting in the way of it.

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And I was lt go from my job. Oh well, tis the season so I should find something, fa la lallllla. I told you I suck at singing and magic, and virtually everything.
Anyway, should be able to find something.

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It always does. Only my dagger i ourchased the rest kind of stood out on many if my nature walks.

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In my usual frustration, I was about to chuck out the staff and wands I found. Guess I will hang onto them until I have money for supplies to paint them.

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You made a prosperity ritual thus the cup must be emptied before it can be filled again. Don’t discourage. I qas sleeping in my car with my fmi,y and my spirits kept saying wait. Im like what im dying here. Then i was given a pension i never asked or applied for and my life took a 180:

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That would be a welcome relief.

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But i feel you bro. Ill send yiu some blessings from my spirt. Just to add tot he wonderful work yiur doing so far.

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Energy work. That will be a must learn. Guess Reiki is the easiest resource info subject easy enough for beginners.

There are awsome reiki courses in udemy. I recommend them specially lisa powers. Thats how i learned it. And it has been very useful specially to project energy. Also jason millers course on sorcery is amazing and teaches all in a easy to follow systematic approach.

I do kriya daily one hour and a half twice a day.

I have zero money for literally anything, Thanks for the suggestions, but they’re not helpful for me right now in my life.

Performed Cross of Light ( not sure of success because after invoking Uriel, it dawned on me Michael should be behind me, and it there off everything. Going back to standard QC.

Performed LRP. Have no desire to attempt to visualize, completely drained. Done, at end said “About me flame the pentagrams, and within me a heart of stone”. Did not call archangels, so fucked up on this as well.

Maybe I can get the MP right.

Tried MP but couldn’t visualize.
Did anyway, even with cat interrupting it.

Tried Ritual from Magical Job Seeker, “To Discover New Jobs and Man Your Talents Known”. We will see if it works. Will try one daily from this as well as Words of Power and 72 Angels.

Would be nice to know if there are workings like these that are strictly nature, nothing more, nothing less, but magic through natures words of power.

Right on, set a scheduled ritual and do daily without fail. I like your ideas on meditation, but I don’t really get the point of it nor have time for it. Thats a lie, if Im on here, I have time.

While Black Sabbaths After Forever played, used silent mind meditation. Had to kinda enforce it but it worked.