Seeing inverted pentagrams with eyes closed?

What does this mean? When i close my eyes i see an inverted pentagram at times. It mostly started after i started praying/worshipping and invoking Satan


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Will do

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That would be Satan saying hi it’s been happening to me after I got my third eye open


Other things you noticed besides seeing that pentagram? For example: the color of the pentagram, sensations that you felt, themes which appeared repeatedly to you, etc.

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Do you have a Satan Sigil?

Same as Lucifer their basically twins but incredibly different

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Using Satan’s Enn?

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But rotate that 90 degrees counter clockwise

Your point?

That’s my point


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Oh that. He can just rotate is phone :slight_smile: not hard

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Yeap, but if he hasn’t seen it before he might not know :blush:

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lol thought you were talking about the pentagram my bad. Yea i wasnt paying attention when i uploaded it


I figured thats what it was. Awesome ty for the reply

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Okay this has been happening to me I did a deep meditation yesterday and felt fine but today seem hella off and I had Déjà vu today and people are very angry today everyone’s energy is just off

happens to me often, did not evoke Satan once. Pentagram also is the geometric figure of banishing and invoking of elements, I found that happening because of various rituals and practices, based on elements and banishings… stuff like that

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