Scrying success

Ok so i was just doing some candle gazing with my lighter as i am at my grandmas right now :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Anyway, i started seeing vague impressions of the astral form over the room. It looked like shadowy figures that were trying their hardest to materialize. My Vision went blurry and a tad double. Then its like the room expanded. And i had a Flat screen tv view of it instead of just “straight up in ya face” view :joy:

My question is:
How do i speed this shit up so i can get on with my shit?
My third eye and other chakras are blocked and i have been working in them with no success. Any advice for getting unblocked?

I am so close to breaking through. I can feel it :smiley:

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Shiva mantra for third eye.

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Thnks @Fallen_Angel

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For me mantras do the trick. But visualization can also clear blocks.

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It’s really easy.

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Practice often :alien:
Its like developing muscle memory or building muscle it takes time but is worth the effort and patience. :alien: