Science vs spirituality

Scientists say that there are no proofs that a consciousness can survive after a cerebral death.
So, how to conjugate science with spirituality.
Our own realities, and everything in it, is just a product of our minds?


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Scientists can’t even explain what conciousness is.


It’s less that there is no proof, and rather there isn’t currently a means of proving it with science. I’m sure with further technological advances (maybe in a century or two), there may be a way.

There are many scientists who practice religion and spirituality. Most of them see the physical realm as a mystery that mankind was meant to unravel themselves.

That’s a bit difficult to say… I think someone is doing research on that, but it seems to only be theories. There is (or was?) an exhibit in my city downtown about it.


Do ghosts really exist? I doubt it. My feeling is when you die, you die. It could be however that many feel such a strong emotional tie to the past that many deitys take advantage of… That some are deceived into believing in the dearly departed.



Levi (I think) compared the “uterine life” and the birth to life on earth and death; although he also wrote that a bubble of water, without a shell, it put in the sea would merge with it.
It would be important to understand/know whether we awake from sleep because the body lives, or if it “blocks” the soul. Indeed, there are some school of thought denying a survival to death, at least for the non-initiated.

Consciousness is everything and nothing. Can’t be graps with the modern scientific method.

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