Scanning Thread: Resurrection

Happy to be scanned.
Finished a stepping stone in my path.


If you mean in my journey then it was a dog not a wolf of that i am sure.
Long black fur longish tail also with long fur.

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I’ll trade you

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can someone see what this “rape” is about please.

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What was his race?

Ah ok. Was asking because this is how amon came to me. Only he had a snakes tail.

Not black probably not hispanic. He does have a tone to him but idk if it was the candle light or his race.

He looks typically european, maybe a bit of german or welsh. But he has dark hair so id say hes mixxed, caucasion. His eyes were closed but i get the feeling they were green

can you scan to see what is the “rape” about?

Like I said, I may be wrong

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I tried as well. Also new to this so might be not accurate.
I got 2 colours : Brown (very prominent) and a greenish-yellow
Also saw a Medusa / many snakes.

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what does these colors mean?

no you were right. there is a vampire entity that i am trying to get rid of. i think it is female. i have protection but she is still around. there were spirits attacking me in my sleep. so maybe rape is them sexually assaulting me in my sleep, but i got protection and it stopped.

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The medusa felt agressive / negative maybe look more into the negative points of the colors … just a thought.


What did you do for protection?

i dont know about “possession”, do you think the entity wanted to possess me?

It probably wanted to
I doubt that would be unrelated

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Okay I don’t feel confident about this at all lmao
Digestive issues

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Interesting. It is medusa month actually, in terms of energy.

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May I?

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can you do mine?