Scanning the godform

You are a legend, man. Also I think it explains why when I often join random arguments for no reason and instinctively pick a side, I guess I do it because their struggle resonates deeply inside me. Thank you so much

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I think you’ll see all in good time

Hopefully so. Did you want a tarot reading?

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Yeah I would love one

Glad I could read ya. And no problem

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do you want to read my godform ? :slight_smile: if you have time ^^’

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Sure I’ll read yours if you read mines. You know if your able too

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okay :slight_smile: no prob !

I see a flaming man in a forest. Surround by other flameing beings. But thier more animal in nature. Theres an alert. I see them all run at these crazy speeds. Like if you ever see twilight how the moment they run. It’s super quick then eveything slows down. I see your godform has captured something, but instead of killing it he treats it as his own. Your godform is a direct result of Great passion and compassion. I feel it is strong and has a great will power. Will never run when scared from a problem. But will always attack it head on. Same with his armies. I feel strong ties to nature, and shamnsim. Where one would wear a certin hide over the head to take on its characteristics. And morph into the animal. I see that you and your godform know of each other. But thier isnt a complete union yet. He comes out in you the most when the odds are stacked against you. Before my vision comes back to me I see a flash of a blonde hair women who claimed this person down. When he gets like that.

Does this resonate?

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I see a horse completely black. its hooves, its eyes, its skin, all.
Its mane floats in the air, like smoke or water… the horse just keep fixing me.

it don’t seem mad or happy or anything. It seems peacefull and it just wait to see what I will do…

That’s all :confused:
How it was ?

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Its protection. Give it ago again I’m going to ask it to let u through

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here what I Have see then ^^’

First I feelt something wild (again :stuck_out_tongue: )
I saw a lezard, more speceficaly an iguana.
His form can change, he show me it. He become a men. Dark hair, glowing skin, a long coat of black feathers. he like to play. with anthing he can find. not always in a good way… he is not a child, not an adult. he say he is too old to mind about his age. he miss something, he talk about the sky, the stars but it’s hard to understand.
When I say him I have to go, something pulls me back.

does it’s better ? ^^’

Good read. Its interesting. What other emotions did you experince. And what do you mean his skin was glowing :thinking:

Idk about this godform thing, can give it a shot or tarot in a bit of you want to swap. Can ask @Sha I’m not too good at the godform scan


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I got you vro

Justin. For hour godform I’m not picking up on anything definite right now. But what I am getting is your form is similar to the source. When I connect to it I’m connected to eveything in exstience. That I am man and animal and god. I am eveything in between and I am nothing at the same time. I feel you are unity, you are good heart, you are love. You are hate m.

I see you as a watcher. Your godform controls and helps in your life and others when needed. He has no form because his conscious is eveything. And yet he still remains to have an identity. He is skilled in music,art,poetry. Hes also skilled in manipulation, covert things, hidden knowledge.

In your life he holds the gates of I don’t even know. But I do know hes outside reality. Somewhere no where and everywhere at the same time. He is the generic picture of god. An older man with a white beard. Only this time. He has on a clean black suit. With diamond studded earnings :joy::sunglasses:.

Does this resonate

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I feelt melancholy too when he was talking about what he misses.
He seems to have a sort of I dont give a fuck attitude
His skin was like pure white, pure light. He was literally glowing ahah

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Mhmmm I see

Lmao I really don’t know, I’ll say some of it does and some doesn’t, I’m terrible at art and music, but I do appreciate both. The darker aspects do resonate, perhaps because it’s what I’ve come to embrace. I do tend to watch quite a bit. I used to have a good heart, and the rest well, I’d say accurate still.

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You want me to try and scan, or do a general reading/a specific question with the cards?