Scanning the godform

yes I will scan too

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I see golden dragon spreads his wings

Your scan,

I see your aura as a messy yet creative cloud of yellow, orange, and green. There are nameless djinn and ghoul spirits around you. I hear King Paimon is interested in helping your chorale these spirits. I didn’t go too in depth on your chakras, but your sacral one stands out from the rest.

I believe focusing your energy and grounding your mind would help you. Also be sure to cleanse and banish.

Not sure if this is biased by reading other scans of you, but I did notice a you had a “necklace” on. It looked like it was made of emerald and gold rods.

That’s all.

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Thanks , could you ask spirits with you directly what means necklace… ?

Sounds like something you need to do.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Side Convo

please can you channel messages to spirits or conjure Them and subtract questions on my behalf ?

Sounds like you want me to do the heavy lifting with little to no effort on your part. I can’t agree to that.