Scan & scry the selfie of the person above you (no Tarot please)

Give me a minute to scan you.

i saw tentacle looking energy beams around you, does it tell you anything?

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First and foremost I get a sense of calm, and grounded. I definitely got a warrior feel but more mental then physical to be honest. Someone who has gained strength through experience and possibly conditioning.

I feel a strong aura, you energy doesn’t feel hot but feels almost cool (more like cool as in the cool earth ground/dirt). I also got the image of water and air.

Um, not sure? Could you look further into it?

thats all i could see tbh, thanks for the scan!

Okay if a next time then you scan first - so I will match yours.

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Scan trade?

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Sure, you scan first and I’ll match yours?

Why don’t you go first then I match yours

Cause I did that with someone else and they didn’t match me. Or more so I didn’t see theirs until I had posted mine.


I’m getting earth vibes from you .the smell of soil after raining. Diving into your energy it’s about to rain above but not yet. You’re involved in some low level alkhemy trying to transmute yourself. Dark energy is present. This is your path you’re confident in it. A female entity perhaps is guiding you. Try and go slow don’t overwork yourself. I see you’re a dreamer.

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I have none. Yet. You can’t pick anything from my icon or just chats

Oh wow…that’s pretty specific. Yeah I’m going through a soul change/Transmutation. That’s the dark energy and such…it should be going well since some of the dark energy is now my own :). Also got the earth vibes correct.

Though I’m not rushing anything - I’m getting help.

I wouldn’t call it “low alchemy” changing what your soul is isn’t low lol.

Are you gonna post a selfie or am I reading from your text/etc?

Text will suffice mate

Unless I pm you. But can you just read from text