Saturn, the terrible

Idk but I think he was 10 houses away from a house which represents Satan. You have to depend on the guy to find out what he meant.

No. The houses reprsent family, money, education and business etc. the tarot majors represent life’s journey and the minors are parts of everyday life attributed by the 4 elements.

Yes yes. You will need to analyze the whole chart to see how you gonna react to it. See the position of moon for the mind and mars. If mars doesn’t want the pact eventually at some future point in life he’s gonna make you break that.

Check where the sign of Capricorn is for binding, sun for authority and Venus for signing the contract.

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Is it in sidereal ?

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I believe I have Saturn in my chart, quite dominantly even. This post actually makes a lot of sense.

This right here! When I was younger and not even knowing about magick, I used to have a lot of instances where I’d think of something or say something, or even dream about iy and it would actually happen. I thought I just had very strong intuition. But when I actually started exploring it, nothing happend. It’s like I’m totally blocked off and can’t even trust my own intuition anymore. Every thing I try magically fails. Now, I thinks that’s also because I’m not developed, but this would make sense too.

Story of my life.

This I want to believe is true. But I find it a bit difficult… Like why put an unwilling participant trough this? It could backfire on those who are just not strong enough to deal with the struggles of life… I’m trying to grasp this and make sense of it. But I also feel like its a bit unfair to hold people back like that. I sometimes feel like "why would I try making this path work, when I can’t even make the slighted change whatever I try? It’s almost as if Saturn is holding you back from something beautiful that could be, because he wont let you expect it.

Sorry for the ramble this turned into :sweat_smile:


Sidereal chart? Then Capricorn is on Dsc, think it is quite good for a binding. Mars, Sun and Venus, you saw it- all joined in conjunction in one house and house, Sun in charge of this all. Don’t know how Moon would react, but in libra should be ok.

Strange synchronicity here.

I have Saturn in the 7th house. Was taken advantage of by someone leading me in business with the promise of great success that never came. I was completely naïve, I was practicing LOA at the time and thought it was my dreams coming true.

Basically what you’re saying is my pact with Saturn caused this. It was definitely a wake up call and wiped that naive side to me cleanly away.
Would this be a typical experience for someone with Saturn in the 7th?

Idk, either sid or tropic.

Very serious regarding your career, committed, 10th house is the original house of Saturn, so it’s a good position, for career success you have to check where is sun too. But Saturn will weaken your home or family life so you focus on your success. You will be spending more time at work then with your family or at home. His aspect on your 1st house means he controls you.

With discipline you can master your destiny, work on yourself. It’s 10th aspect fall in the 7th house of business and mariage so eventually you will doing your own stuff

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This is because you don’t know the whole story. If you knew you would be like damn thanks it didn’t happen !

And it’s not really unfair, cause on the other side you have Jupiter who gives you things without effort. You have Venus too who give things much quicker. Saturn just reminds you the reality of life.

We are all human with weakness. If you overcome the boundaries of Saturn by working hard, the world is yours. Remember he’s the master of this world. How many people comes to him begging this and this. So if he has to give you something you must deserve it

and Saturn gifts last forever

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I’m not sure how these are placed in my chart, so I assume with “you” you mean in general and not me personally.

So as a general question: doesn’t it matter how and where they are placed? Like, could the one be more dominant and kind of overrule the others?
I indeed don’t know the half of it but your post are very interesting, so I’m just trying to make sense off it all :innocent:

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I’m a man and they would be a “she”.

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@Lawrence yout Saturn is well placed and friendly to your ascendant. The discipline he’s bringing to you will pay off. But he weakens your friends circle, so be careful of who you call your friends.

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I am not getting what you are saying

They will always be a planet acting like a boss in your chart, a strong one but it doesn’t mean he will overpower the others. They are in cooperation and both following your life path.

To see the strongest planet, you have to check the directional strength, the sign, conjunction and the ascendant itself.

For eg jupiter in 4th house in cancer for an Aries ascendant. This Jupiter is very powerful cause he’s in exalted sign of cancer, in 4th house gaining directional strength and he’s friendly to his best friend Mars the ascendant lord.

The natural benefic planets in a chart are the ascendant lord, the 4th, 5th, 9th lord. These are your luck planets, your ancestors.

The troublesome ones are the 6th, 8th and 12th lord or 6,8,12 th houses, the spiritual houses

The ones that grow with time are the 2nd, 6th lord and 11th lord. They first give bad result then later with maturity they give good results. The monetary houses

4,7,10th house or their lord are your pillars in life, if they are bad planets or disharmony, it destabilize the person. And these are career houses

Saturn is the only planet when posited in 6,8,12th gives best results cause he will sit on your ennemies, accident and losses.

For eg if you are a Libra ascendant then Venus, Saturn 4,5th lord; Mercury 9th lord are very good for you. Even if they sit in a difficult houses they will try their best to reduce the troubles.

But Jupiter becomes troublesome, for a Libra

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I thought you assumed that I was a woman and “his” refered to my husband. If you meant Saturn’s aspect then it would not be confusing if you typed “its” instead of “his”.

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Okay I meant Saturn aspect

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Got it.

I am in my 40s now, have only had three relationships (the last one ended 12 years ago)…and have Saturn in my 1st house.

I guess that explains that.