Satan's children,Demonic humans

No not Biblical, more cosmic, was just entertaining the thought if we head into other planes of existence then they coup also be shaped by previous experiences and mindsets, realms of pain and suffering like the thoughts you just shared or your murder fantasy’s coup be a familiar part of ones future if that’s what you truly desire, if you like killing it would make sense one would go to a plane where that would be catered too, that’s all. Whatever floats your boat, I just think negative actions have negative consequences Causley.

What is wrong with you?

If its not a like 24/7 life of blood and guts, i wouldn’t come this way.
And i allready brought an example of an one time event, which also wouldn’t lead to “damnation” in a more RHP way.

And i told you, that most likely, the magick will not just dissappear just because you lost your meatsuit.

Also there is no “good” and “evil”, there is not “bad” and “malevoilent” either.
~Just things person A does and does not like,
just things that person B does and does not like,
and things that person C does and does not like.


“Ethics are a personal/individual matter also.”

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I believe we are here to learn and taking someone’s life doesn’t hold any wisdom or knowledge one needs , that’s all, it takes so much for a human to get to where they are from scratch, what makes you think whatever created us would not install consequences for going against the rules of the game.

I had that desire to know what that feeling was, to watch the life drain from ones enemy’s eyes as they exsanguinated through my hand’s.Thankfully that “Yetzer hara” was banished from me during my Kundalini awakening.

Aha, another one who is holding his experience as principles.

I tend more to the idea that we created ourselves through the ignition of desire.
BUT: Thats just a idea i kept in the closet of my mind, because even if there is an creator
would i not give damn shit about it.

Its like: if you are being attacked; you don’t ask yourself why he is doing this, but you ask yourself what exactly he is doing, so you can start a counter attack.

I don’t care about the source, it would be pointless, like to swim in a river until you reach its origin,
which results in you being pushed back to the starting point.

That’s how I delve the mystery’s, I try feel them and as an empath and one with a high range of intuition, , I poke and prod my way into spheres of thought and influence

I’m currently in the Jewish mystic mindset , I immerse myself in the belief’s or thought of that system when studying, makes comprehending much easier.

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Whatever, do your thing, this what i said.
~My principle.
I don’t consider freedom a principle,
because that would shorten my freedom to the borders of another man’s freedom, so freedom itsself just can not be an principle.
Power, my power would be set in potential danger if i would support the power of others -with expecption of my closest circle.
Individuality, this can also be no principle, i can’t move on without absorbing data or beings completely or to some degree,
so my individuality is nothing more than a pattern which i try to follow,
even while changing in manners which make it completely impossible to recognize the old self at my sight. I need to emerge in some way with parts of entities.

And; if all is one, there wouldn’t be another being, and individuality would die the same moment as the differences vanish.

The following incantation phrase, It was allways literal in meaning:
“Oh [entity] let your knowledge become my knowledge, let your wisdom become my wisdom, let your abilities become my abilities, let your power become my power”

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If we all are one, just part of the all, individuals can still exist, I feel like we are like code breakers, consciousness is the program, and by the all having separate experiences gathering data.

(Just a thought on the origin of consciousness, magic obviously playing a major part, I try an imagine the moment the Annunaki cast the spell which birthed our awakening as Adapa)

Ok, i edited the post, so it makes more sense and presents my point in a much better way.
~So… Now back to the reply to your post:

Here, also a the creed of the temple of the vampire:

I am a Vampire.
I worship my ego and I worship my life, for I am the only God that is.
I am proud that I am a predatory animal and I honor my animal instincts.
I exalt my rational mind and hold no belief that is in defiance of reason.
I recognize the difference between the worlds of truth and fantasy.
I acknowledge the fact that survival is the highest law.
I acknowledge the Powers of Darkness to be hidden natural laws
through which I work my magic.
I know that my beliefs in Ritual are fantasy but the magic is real,
and I respect and acknowledge the results of my magic.
I realize there is no heaven as there is no hell,
and I view death as the destroyer of life.
Therefore I will make the most of life here and now.
I am a Vampire.
Bow down before me.

Karmas real, it usually doesn’t hit you back in the same lifetime. Our higher selves are constantly trying to balance it out with others.


question, how are you your ancestor? that doesn’t sound correct, imo. an ancestor pilots (or rather piloted) a different vehicle than you and may have more than likely been alive in your current life time of before hand, that doesn’t denote the being you. Another thing, a lot of the occult (in the case of no proof) would be “what ifs” and “maybes”
^those are my personal thoughts.
@AndEternity is right, kharma is real, but recently misconstrued.

edit: just to be safe i checked up on reincarnation and karma, reincarnation is the soul being placed in another physical body after “death”, which doesn’t really deny ancestors? imo.
karma: destiny or fate, following as effect from cause (informal definition)

Personally, I don’t quite agree with simply ordering certain beings to do what you want without having a relationship with them. But this is kind of out of topic, isn’t it?

Well, yes - “selling your soul” may be too ‘strong’ statement, but if a practitioner believes in Satan as an omnipresent uni(/multi-)versal being, and a supreme god, it’s the same thing like when a xtian gives his soul to the hands of Jehovah (- see, the xtians would avoid the statement “selling your soul” although what they do is the exact same thing, but with a different purpose).
Not everybody may agree with this idea (of selling your soul), but that depends on every individual’s beliefs.

What I can tell you is that there are those who are bron from demon fathers or mothers, they are human in form but demons in soul

I agree with you!

There is a certain Odu in IFA where the mother of Lucifer is born, so that the human beings who come through divination with this sign (it’s a very long ceremony) are feared and misunderstood due to the demonic nature of the sign.
So children of this particular Odu IFA would be demonic children I believe.