Satan’s alter help

So I’m saving things to my Amazon cart as I’m going to build an alter for him because I’m moving out soon in a month or so.

I’ll need the table. I have that
I will need a black cloth. I have that. It’s the alter cloth so I saved a nice black table cloth that should be nice.

Now I was wondering if you have any ideas on what statue to buy because I now need a statue of him for the center piece of the Alter. I thought a raven or a black dragon. But what do you guys think?

I have a dagger but I’ll have to cleanse it. As anything on this Alter I will not use for anything else and nothing else like books or whatever will be on the Alter that doesn’t go there.

Next I need a chalice and apparently it can’t be gold because “it is too closely representing to the Catholic mass”. So I found a nice glass one that is solid black that would look nice on the black cloth.

I have a set of 14 black tapered candles in my Amazon cart (all of this is in my Amazon cart) I can always buy more down the road.

I saved a set of 14 red candles too to show love to father satan as well😀

Now I saved dragons blood incense🙂I’ll need to save a few holders as well to my cart. I’m adding things to my cart as I type this lol.

I also just saved a bell. Looks nice yet simple. Silver with a black handle.

I also saved some black candle holders which look nice.

I also saved a nice looking wooden cigar box that’ll be used to hold offerings and hand written promises to satan and such :slightly_smiling_face:.

I saved a really nice black wooden bowl with a stand that’ll be used for food and drink offerings🙂. Maybe fruits or something.

I also saved a nice black small iron bowl for burning offerings such as written promises and such.

I have lancets already but I may buy more.

I’m also thinking of getting a pendulum to devote for communication with Satan. Perhaps a black or red one that’ll keep hanging around the statue’s neck or something.

I also saved a tapestry of a pentagram as the focal point behind it. Gosh this is getting expensive. I’d prefer to buy everything before I move in so I have everything I need.

I also for my own comfort saved a nice red furry rug to put in front of it as I’ll be sitting or on my knees. And red looks nice with this. Satan likes my taste in decorating it seems. Lol🙂

Other then the one thing above I’d like suggestions with we have a total of $342.02 OW. but I suppose it’s worth it at the end. That’s just two or 3 paychecks from now. Maybe two since I can always push back my shading tattoo appointment as this seems more important to me :slightly_smiling_face:.

But in the future as I set this up I hope to post pictures and such. But pretty much the statue is all I’d hope to get some help/suggestions for as I obviously don’t see a statue that closely resembles the Satan I see in astral projection :joy:that would be very cool though.


Well on my opinion a red dragon is powerfull for him,a satyre alike stature an angel with black wings. A traditional devil.Look, listen to your allready established instinct for satanic Aesthetics and go buy it and concecrate it as the vessel for satan, the ones wich resembel the vision in the astral you have from him the most doesnt matter if the budget is there or not. If you are a theistic satanist per heart and soul Satan will respect your move unto him and will get closer to you the same way.If you are true to that, respektfull, and loving theres not many thinks you can do wrong with the purchases you do in his name.





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I seemed to be drawn to this so I added this to my cart considering is association with ravens.


Idk I get that feeling when you look into the eyes that something is staring back at you lol. Thanks for your help!


Perfect!I am allways glad when i can help people to grow on they’re path :blush: .Just do it Man :love_you_gesture:


That is interesting. Maybe it’s satan giving me this idea because idk if I’d ever think of this on my own😂

Perhaps when the Alter is done I make sort of a spray if you will made of dragons blood oil. Cedar oil. And my blood mixed in some water and have him bless it and I guess that would be like some dark version of holy water ig? Seems interesting but I like it!


Reason I bought the red rug: well blue red and black so red would look nice. It’s fuzzy too so I can sit on my knees all day almost. Plus I had an idea where I’d keep it as holy of a space as I could (don’t touch the red carpet unless you’re doing business at the Alter and don’t sit down unless you showered and you’re clean) I’m sure satan would like that I’d start doing things that way.

Ps. Also look at this pendulum I picked for him I like how it says it’s not plastic and it has some nice weight to it. Satan doesn’t deserve a plastic pendulum. None of my deities do.


Yk it’s a pain in the ass when you can’t buy anything cause you have nowhere to put everything AND you are low on funds. Glad satan understands ofc.looks like the first things I’ll be buying this week are the black table cloth and the satan tapestry. Dw I’m gonna soon have all of this pieced together and you all will be amazed. I know satan will be

Most of my Alter supplies have arrived! I now am waiting for the table cloth. Offering bowl and some incense and two books. Lastly once I move in I’m going to buy a table. Hopefully I can also paint the room or stain the room the darkest black I can. I consider the energy from black to be protective aside from its destructive and chaos natures that I associate with the color black. So I believe it can present both energies.

My intentions to hopefully paint the room black are to

  • protect it as my sacred space so, well nothing that isn’t supposed to be in there isn’t in there.

  • it’ll make the room nice and dark when I shut the lights off. This will bring me a peaceful sense of privacy.

I’m excited. Looks like having a complete temple will be one of my 2023 New Years resolutions!

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Ooo I’m so happy to see this! I’m late naturally lol.

I always saw crows/ravens as birds that are connected to him. Other animals in my experience is cats, dogs (black dogs), dragons, serpents, goats, deer.
Satyr is definitely linked to him I feel. A few other things I get from him is old old things like old woods or buildings. Primal earth with a mix of life and destruction continuously mixing and molding.
Red, black, blue, deep royal purple or deep greens when working more nature. Gold as well but not a lot.
For me I always saw him more of an obsession dragon. But some see red which I get too.
Offerings I always did liquors but nothing over sweet. I feel for me at least he liked cinnamon ones but anything fruity didn’t have to much taste on. Chocolate like dark or cake but I feel in food he like’s anything almost that I want to share. He is also big on do it your self so make something for him. Flowers. Though he is well him I feel he enjoyed the red roses I had gotten for him before.
Fire obviously is his thing. But in my experience a pit in the ground or an old bond fire but fire places will be perfect as well.
I enjoy doing art for him as I feel thought it could just be me, he enjoyed me doing art for him.
Lay back and earthy father vibe. So just think of that as well. But like everyone els, they come to you differently.
Dragons blood, spice, cinnamon, warm earthy scents I use.

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Ah. My last few things arrive for my alter. Lastly I’ll need a table and a book shelf. I can finally build one now after all this time.

I also found my pentagram necklace so that’s great I won’t have to spend money on another one lol.

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This is so good. I am late here as well, when I created my Altar, I just had a statue of Father Satan, an altar cloth, and just some black candles. But in my personal experiences with Satan, if you call him from heart, nothing else matters. In my moments when I feel helpless and alone, I pour my heart to him, and I lie down while repeating his enn, and then while I chant, I feel a soothing relief, just like a father is singing lullaby to his daughter. I dont know about other people’s experiences with him, but to me Father Satan treats me like a daughter, where he would guide me, take care of me, but would not give me everything directly, instead motivate me to work hard towards it, so that I gain my own abilities and confidence.
I converse with him in a same way, as if I am conversing to my father, whatever I know of Lord Satan is based on my own experiences, rather than reading of texts or anything, and so I know he is real. Other than that, I also moved to a new place, so I would have to reset my altar again, and this thread helps a lot in doing that.