Sargatanas is powerful I promise you…

Long read.

I’m making this thread to show case the power of sargatanas. For those that may want to work with him especially for this specifically I would suggest you go to him first. He’s swift and means it when he tells you “they will be obsessed pretty soon” lol. so I decided I wanted every attractive women that came across me to be extremely obsessed😂. So I brought out my scrying mirror.

I always carry one now it’s very useful knowing I could literally just go to a bathroom somehwere and whip the mirror out of my pocket. Or on the bus maybe I’d stare into it so long nobody thinks I’m mentally ill😂anyway.

I went into the bathroom during work tonight. Called him into my mirror I kept saying his name.

Then I got the weird urges to close my eyes and visualize his sigil.

I suddenly saw my dark vision zoom into the sigil and then into the mirror. I found myself in like a very dark room standing in like half shin depth water. With some grass growing randomly around out of the water. I looked forward and I saw him. Zero features it was like a black figure of a man.

I asked him immediately why is he showing up like that and he told me it’s best to also ofc focus on why I’m calling him then ONLY focusing on him. Lucifer did something similar with me I saw him wearing a mask and he told me the same thing. Anyway.

As soon as I walk out of the bathroom cause he told me after “it is done we can do that. they will become pretty obsessed”. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom.

Some girl comes in the front door and I hear IM BACKKKK😃. And this person never ever comes in during this time.

Randomly starts asking me questions about my job here and starts making small talk so I’d definitely say that’s safe to assume it worked. Considering when I called sargatanas for the second time after I asked him if that was his doing and he said yes.

Now the second calling was literally a half an hour later. Called him and asked to pin point obsession on her. He of course gladly accepted my request at least based off what he told me “sure we can do that!” lol.

Fast forward I got like 5 different pendulum readings asking the same question now I know you really shouldn’t do that😂but hear me out. I randomly got this urge to ask if she was currently thinking about me.

First reading said yes
Second reading in a row said yes
Third reading in a row said yes
Fourth reading said no
The last one said yes so I can say it’s safe to assume yes I was on her mind and this was right after I asked him to pin point the obsession on her.

It seems sargatanas suggests if I really want to pin point my attention on her to do other workings on top of it to add different little spices to the mix if you know what I mean.

  • dream walking ect. My intuition also suggests I utilize the help of king paimon for mind influence.

So I thought it would be cool to make this a thread where I go through the journey of trying to get this person in my life lol. Obviously her name won’t be said or anything but I’ll just be documenting below any subsequent rituals I do as sargatanas suggested. As well as any effects or notes based off the ritual.

I think it Will be very cool for someone who wants to work with sargatanas and is doing research that they find this thread as I feel them seeing an entire journey like this take place day by day will give them more confidence especially if they lack it. Anyway hope you all enjoyed reading. Not sure if this was in the right category but yeah lol.

Hail sargatanas!


I get paid next week! Will be buying this cologne. I mentioned enchanting a cologne in another thread lol. But I picked a good one lol.

Then I can bring out the big guns. Yeah sargatanas I’d consider the big guns but like I was told sargatanas doesn’t even need to be utilized for this cologne. I did some research and by my books I can literally get away with calling 1 spirit and that would be after I create it. The spirit will raise the vibrations. So it looks like as of now I am ok on help from sargatanas lol

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So the spirits told you to think of what you wanted from them as you chant its name to come, im i understanding that right ?

No I was just saying he showed up once with a mask to symbolically tell me i shouldn’t only focus on what he looks like

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Basically the same as what I just said to the incorrect sentence :grin:

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ok cool thanks

Did you get results with the woman you were going for?