Santeria Baths for New Job/Santeria Baths in general?

I lost my job today!

In all honesty, I’ve been kinda manifesting this to happen… I don’t like the job. I don’t feel the company treats the customers fairly and I’ve come to really hate the position in general. Spirit/Inanna was telling me my time was coming to a close anyway.

I bought a book by Carlos Montenegro a while ago with a bunch of Santeria herbal baths. I feel it’s a very good resource for individuals that are already familiar with the Spanish language… I grew up speaking Spanish (I’m African American but grew up in a large AA and Latino community) but have since forgotten almost of my Spanish and we never used Spanish to refer to herbs growing up. so I find myself at a barrier with collecting the herbs mentioned in the book and performing the rituals. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to translate the frankly untranslateable (if you will).

Can any experienced Santeras or Santeros or possibly Hoodoo practitioners offer guidance to performing a financial bath for myself? Any herbs you recommend? I’m a baby Southern root worker whose aim is to not only perform baths for herself, but offer these services to others who may need healing in the future… thank you!

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I’d have to look up financial herbs since I don’t recall offhand, but I do know I’ve seen quite a few things in the hoodoo forums, like lucky mojo. I used to peruse their products, just for the ingredients they list, since I prefer to do things myself.

Now I just sorta use whatever I have on hand, and make sure I charge it with the intent before hand and while I brew it.


Thank you!

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In La Regla Lukumi (Afro-Cuban religion known as Santeria), Spiritual baths are typically made to 1. clean you of negativity and then 2. bring energies for a specific purpose. e.g. sweeten you up, protect you from attack, etc.
There are general “white baths” for clearing your aura which would use things like cacao, cascarilla, holy water, florida water, goats milk, siempre vida, etc. You would do this one first. then you would do the next bath, or series of baths.
For getting work and/or prosperity, you could use herbs like prodigiosa, abre camino, mints and basil, vencedor along with honey, rum, florida water or kolonia 1800, cascarilla, cacao, etc.
Additional tips on taking spiritual baths: they are meant to clean your aura or spiritual energy, not your physical body. So if you work on cars all day, for example, degrease and wash off in the shower first. then take the bath. Do not dry off too vigorously after- don’t want to wipe away what you want your body to absorb. You would prepare the bath ahead of time, boiling any herbs, adding all ingredients in a basin, exposing to the light of the moon or rays of the sun. let it steep for while. You make a bath- not too hot or too cold, add the basin of stuff, light a candle, and soak it up 20 minutes or so. We do not wash the head with this, neck down only, do not scrub- soak. We also put on clean white clothes after this to sleep in overnight. Oh ad no sex 24 hrs before or after. It is hard enough to clean yourself spiritually so adding someone elses’ energy just clouds it, and the point is clarity.
Disclaimer- for absolute effectiveness, proper/ legitimate divination with a consecrated oracle from Santeria would give specifics on what ingredients and how many baths should be done. (those oracles would be Obi, Diloggun, Opuele or Ikin only, no cards, bones, pendulums, etc. Only additional resource would be from a medium in a spiritual mass.)


Thank you so very much for this information!! I really appreciate this information!!!