Santa Muerte

Hi Everyone!

I think that you guys know that i am not a “rookie”, though…

It’s been a few days that i feel “extremly” drawn to working with the dead… and i feel a call for Santissima Muerte.
But she comes to me at the precise “moment” of my life when i say , i will not be devoted to any spirit anymore on a regular basis such as daily prayer, daily offerings etc… i don’t feel like having an altar anymore and I feel free, working with entities with no attach now…

How am i supposed to work with her if all of the testimonies say that i HAVE TO have an altar dedicated to her etc…

Thank you for the light…


What do you feel most comfortable with? I don´t use an altar either so it just comes down to rituals or spells. Altar is not necessary but it does serve as a center piece. I don´t like to use altars.


@H.L.Daniel, so does that mean that you work with the Most Holy Death on a case by case bases? Did you talk with her concerning this and did she accept it? Please tell me more.

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The thing is, I work with any entities through rituals or spells involving my own blood so it leads me to being possessed by her at times. I sacrifice my own blood for the working and I´m even going to do a covenant with her that will last forever. So I tend to embrace her being on a possession level. She doesn´t really mind that either. It is of my opinion that having an altar gives you a center piece and a great sense of direction of where you want to go with it(working with santa muerte) but enforcing it turns it into dogma. You can do a ritual with a center piece or without it.


Well @H.L.Daniel i understood 1hour ago -and so there was light- that i almost disconnected from everyone because she was coming … the connection to her is here, not even through candles or anything. She is waiting for me to ask her to do something so i see her “power” and there i’ll make the “pact”. i told her that when i get my “holy graal” through her, then i’ll create an altar for her (a small one- small but pretty) she is already showing me what she can provide, and seems too good to be true, if she can do something that even demons could not…


Many ways to create such a pact, the sky is the limit. You can even shed your own blood for the pact if you want to go for little theatrical imopression. I have done pacts with santa muerte through blood magick ceremonies myself


well she is already connected to my brain, do i need blood again :joy::joy::joy: i don’t mind tho

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The temple is in you


what i don’t like is when people say, you “have to give her offering or she’ll take back what she gave you” as she does not seem to be what people say she is. i don’t want to worship her.

I have a Lucifer tattoo and i don’t worship Him, he is here, i thank him for support and i do my things , so why would i do it for Her.

she is death so , she’ll take us all, right?


Somebody gets it


Even then, there is a fine line between and offering coming from respect and a offering coming from worship.


*between an

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absolutly, i have respect, i give myself and my energy, and she already knows who i am

i don’t make an offering out of fear that she hurts me, worshipping out of fear that you die from some event she will create


So you think she wont look at your heart. And see past it

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Well, take for example offerings of casters own blood. I´ve done them myself and once you cross that treshold, it either becomes a situation of respect or worship.

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she already did see through my heart unless she would not have come to me, i did not call her.


why what?

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Why is it only a respect or worship

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