You are very welcome.
As I have such a beautiful relationship with her, I am sorry to hear that you want to end your relationship with her, but I respect your experience and feelings.
One last piece of advice…ANY spirit that you work with will remove lovers, friends, situations etc from you that are not in your best interest. No matter how much you may love that person or thing. The goal of the spirits is to help us ascend and grow, and they will disrupt anything keeping us from doing this. This is a staple of working with ANY spirit.
It is true that this can be a painful process…especially when it happens more than once, but we have to understand that they have our best interest at heart.
My point in saying this is to save you some time and disappointment. If you think that you are going to go work with Demons or any other type of spirit to avoid the types of things that you have mentioned…I’m sorry to tell you, but it would be better that you not work with spirits until you are ready. The only spirit that will give you everything you ask for with no consideration to your ascension and betterment is a spirit that does not care about you — and that is an EXTREMELY dangerous spirit.
Working with spirits is not about magically making all your dreams come true. It is about developing a relationship with a spiritual being who is going to be your mentor, guide, parent etc that will have your elevation as first priority. Sometimes, this will mean removing things and people that we love from our lives that do not serve us in the big picture…basically, if the spirit allowed that person or thing to stay in your life…that person or thing would hinder you from becoming the person you are meant to be. Sometimes, because of our emotions, we are unable to see this in the moment.
If you do your research, looking through this forum and other sources, you will see countless examples of people who have expressed similar things…the things that spirit has taken from them, or strange uncomfortable happenings. It is very common. But you will also see how those same people will tell you in the end that it was a blessing and they can understand it better after the fact.
Also, if Santa Muerte did bring you this person that you’re talking about, it’s unlikely that she would take them from you. There may be more to this than meets the eye.
Even when we receive something from the spirits, there is still regular life factors to consider … it is not a guarantee that just because God gives us something, that we can’t lose it or mishandle it etc…
Have you gotten a reading about this situation? I would suggest seeking out a divination session with someone to get deeper insight. There are many people who can do this that you can choose from.