SAMHAIN Ritual ~ Monday 6th Nov, 2.15pm New York, 7.15pm London

I don’t believe so - full reasons and calculations given here:

Look at how Easter moves around due to being based on astronomical, rather than calendrical, dates. Furthermore, I was told to found a new altar on the 7th, first day after this working, before I knew the 6th was significant, so that to me affirms this is correct.

I see the pinning of Samhain to a specific date as being kin to the way Egyptians held tight to their 365 day calendar despite it becoming less accurate with every passing year - and the linking of modern accuracy with our ancestors endeavours of muscle and sweat to align massive stones with immense precision reminds me of this old saying:


Advice to a patient who is sick:

2000 BCE: Here, take this herb.

1000 CE: That herb is heathen. Say this prayer instead.

1800 CE: That prayer is superstition. Drink this potion instead.

1900 CE: That potion is dangerous. Take this pill instead.

1950 CE: That pill is ineffective. Take this antibiotic instead.

2017 CE: That antibiotic is dangerous. Take this herb instead.[/quote]